Happy Friday, #RedWolfNation!
Welcome to (I’m looking at you, freshmen), or back to campus!
I can’t believe we’re already in the third week of classes. I’ve finally started to settle in on another semester of my Senior year here at IU East. I figured what better way to introduce myself as a new student blogger than with a little fun, theme-type blog, Five Things Friday…
But first? A little about me and my journey here at IUE:
I’m in my senior year here at IU East, however I’ll be a Senior for a little longer. I’m a non-traditional and part-time student, studying Business Administration and Marketing here in Richmond. I’m from the area (ish) as I grew up in a teeny-tiny town, Farmland. Yes, it’s a place; no, I didn’t grow up on a farm. (Ten-year 4-H member, though!) Even though I couldn’t wait to graduate and get outta town as a senior in high school, I couldn’t be more proud of where I’m from (now), and love to visit my hometown any chance I get. I’m proud of my Hoosier roots, and proud to not only be an IU Hoosier, but also a part of #RedWolfNation here at IU East.
…but let’s get down to business, shall we? Here’s five things about me you may, or may not, know:
1. Five.
Five is my lucky number. I can’t quite honestly explain it, and no I’m not insane about superstition. I might be involved in motorsports and I might be a hockey fan, but you won’t see me hiding under blankets during Friday the 13th. For some reason, five has just been “around.” Is it why I chose this blog post? No, but it helped.
Whenever I bake, cookies are made in increments of five. Do they taste better? Probably not, but I’m sure some who’ve been on the receiving end of my mildly-famous kitchen-productions could debate. Whenever I post a press release, news story, or scheduled update on Facebook, it’s on the :05’s. Do they reach more? Well, who knows, but you get it. That’s about as superstitious as it gets for me.
2. Speaking of motorsports…
If they race it, you’ll see me there. Not only am I working towards a career in motorsports, either in marketing or public relations at a full-time capacity, the sport is a strong passion of mine. It has been ever since I took my first pass at Muncie Dragway at 16 years old. It doesn’t matter what it is: NASCAR, IndyCar, F1, NHRA, a local dirt track, stock cars, sprint cars, wings, no wings, lawnmowers, barstools – I will stop, I will watch, I will listen.
I quite honestly can’t put in to words the respect and love I have for the sport. The smell, the noise, all of it consumes me. When I’m at a racetrack, I’m “home.”
…just don’t quote Ricky Bobby; I’m not a fan of ‘Talladega Nights.’ Seriously. I’d rather watch ‘Days of Thunder.’
2.5. Big fan of Tom Cruise in the 80’s, here. True story: My final paper in Organizational Behavior and Leadership was over Top Gun. Aced it without ever having to watch the movie, but I watched it five times in a weekend anyway.
“Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby.” “Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.”
3. I’m a twin.
The first question I get when I mention I have a twin brother? Identical or fraternal? Sigh…
Question aside, yes I’m a twin. My brother is a minute older than I am, and I wasn’t quite expected at the time we were born. I’m a surprise, and quite honestly kept surprising my parents more than they had hoped as I grew up. We all survived my teenage years, though.
My brother is primarily the person responsible for my love of motorsports. My parents and family are not involved in the sport, but it had to start somewhere. During high school, he worked the local drag strip’s burnout box, and while I spent nights on the tailgate of the safety truck or from the box plugging my ears, my love of racing bloomed. One night he said, “Strap in. You’re up.” The rest is history.
4. I can’t get through a day without some form of music.
Whether country, R&B or classic rock, I’m usually found with some form of music playing in the background. Mostly, it’s country or rock, but music can move me, relax me or drive me.
My favorite song? That’s a tough question. Either ‘Fast Cars and Freedom’ from Rascal Flatts or ‘Landing in London’ from 3 Doors Down.
5. I thrive on adventure.
I love to be adventurous, whether traveling, running, ziplining, or “exploring,” as I like to call it. I have an incurable case of wanderlust, one that I find leaves me itching to travel every so often. My favorite place to be outside of Indiana? Boston, Massachusetts and the Cape. I had the opportunity to run a two-day, 192 mile race with a team of 11 other runners and I took it as an opportunity to “explore,” and see things I’ve never seen but have wanted to for so long, by running shoe. It’s a trip I’ll never forget. Other than Boston, Asheville, North Carolina is a close second, with London and Bucharest, Romania being two travel-loves as well.
Though hesitant, I’m not afraid to grab the bull of life by the horns. I like to have fun, to experience and to smile. #LiveLife
5.5. #TeamiPhone
It doesn’t leave my hand. Ever. #sadtruth
…but those photos on Instagram? iPhone 6.

- What You Can, When You Can - January 14, 2016
- Five Things Friday - September 11, 2015