Sorry for the wait! I’ve been waiting for something super exciting to happen, but it’ll be awhile for that but I have so much planned!
To update everyone on whats been going on, it’s mostly just been class. Though I don’t have many assignments, the ones I do have are worth quite a bit and take a bit of time. So that is much different than back home! I have only turned in three assignments so far; one in each class.
One exciting thing that did happen was Kale’s birthday! We decided instead of a gift, that we were going to fill his room with balloons! So 200+ balloons, empty lungs, and Spanny getting whipped in the eye by a balloon later, his room was filled!
To give you an idea of what it was like check out this video!
Let me tell you about what i have planned though!! So next week, I will be going to a festival in Sydney called Cool for Summer. It has musicians, social media stars, and others that are going to be there! Plus I scored myself a backstage pass to meet a few! So You can guarantee that will be many pictures from that!
The week after that is “spring” break so though I am not sure exactly what I am doing, but that weekend I will be taking another trip to Sydney for a cool little hike! So again, lots of pictures!!!
About two weeks after that, I will be making my up to Cairns (pronounced cans here) and staying up there for a few days. While there, I will be white water rafting down the Tully river, walking through the highlands to look at the waterfalls and rainforest, cruise down the the Daintree river to go to a wildlife sanctuary, and of course snorkeling/scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef! So exciting!!!
So this update was pretty short but soon, there is going to be so much to talk about!

- It’s Almost Time to Say Goodbye - June 25, 2017
- Port Stephens/Blue Mountains Beauty - June 5, 2017
- It’s Adventure Time! - May 13, 2017
- Traveling, Traveling, and More Traveling! - April 29, 2017
- Long Time No “Sea” - April 7, 2017
- First Trip Out of Wollongong! - March 20, 2017
- Classes, Hiking, and Fun Times - March 4, 2017
- Australia vs America: Random Observations - February 25, 2017
- The Experience Begins! - February 15, 2017
- Hello from Australia - February 8, 2017