Long Time No “Sea”

Sorry for the wait! I’ve been waiting for something super exciting to happen, but it’ll be awhile for that but I have so much planned!

To update everyone on whats been going on, it’s mostly just been class. Though I don’t have many assignments, the ones I do have are worth quite a bit and take a bit of time. So that is much different than back home! I have only turned in three assignments so far; one in each class.

One exciting thing that did happen was Kale’s birthday! We decided instead of a gift, that we were going to fill his room with balloons! So 200+ balloons, empty lungs, and Spanny getting whipped in the eye by a balloon later, his room was filled!

To give you an idea of what it was like check out this video!


Let me tell you about what i have planned though!! So next week, I will be going to a festival in Sydney called Cool for Summer. It has musicians, social media stars, and others that are going to be there! Plus I scored myself a backstage pass to meet a few! So You can guarantee that will be many pictures from that!

The week after that is “spring” break so though I am not sure exactly what I am doing, but that weekend I will be taking another trip to Sydney for a cool little hike! So again, lots of pictures!!!

About two weeks after that, I will be making my up to Cairns (pronounced cans here) and staying up there for a few days. While there, I will be white water rafting down the Tully river, walking through the highlands to look at the waterfalls and rainforest, cruise down the the Daintree river to go to a wildlife sanctuary, and of course snorkeling/scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef! So exciting!!!

So this update was pretty short but soon, there is going to be so much to talk about!

About Erin

Hello there! My name is Erin Hoodlebrink and I am a senior Biochemistry major studying at the University of Wollongong in Australia for the semester! I will be sure to take as many pictures of kangaroos as possible for you all!

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