Daron W. Olson
Associate Professor of European and World History
Office: TR 254
Phone: 973-765-8475
Email: darolson@iu.edu
- Ph.D. in Historical Studies, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2006
- MA in History, University of North Dakota, 1993
- BA in History, Minor Scandinavian Studies, Minnesota State University Moorhead, 1986
Research Interests:
- Norwegian migration and transnational identities
- Modern Norway: World War II and Democracy
- Norwegian immigration to the Pacific Northwest
Selected Publications:
- Vikings across the Atlantic: Emigration and the Building of a Greater Norway, 1860-1945. University of Minnesota Press (2013).
- “A Shared Affinity for Democracy: Norwegian and American Voices in the United States, 1933-1945.” Chapter 15 in Transatlantic Crossings: Nordic Experiences of Emigration and Democracy, 1925-1945 (Forthcoming, Oslo: University of Oslo, Experiencing American Democracy (ExAm) Project, 2025).
- “Two Very Different Sides of the Same Coin: Nordmanns-Forbundet during World War II” Norwegian-American Essays 2024 (Oslo, Norway: Novus Press, forthcoming, 2024).
- “Norwegian-American Lutheran Religious Identity during World War II” Norwegian-American Essays 2020 (Oslo, Norway: Novus Press, 2020): 189-207.
- Terje M. Hasle Joranger and Daron W. Olson, “Those Distant Wars: Norwegian-American Attitudes towards Poles and Finns, 1939-40” Norwegian-American Studies 38 (2020): 15-51.
- “His Mother’s Song: The Ethnolandscapes of Norwegian-American Male Visitors to Norway during the 1914 Eidsvoll Centennial” Norwegian-American Essays 2017 (Oslo, Norway: Novus Press, 2017):133-157.
Teaching Interests:
- Norway: Transnationalism and Identity; Democracy, Viking Age
- Modern Europe: Nationalism, Democracy
- Gamification in History
- 2023 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Experiential Learning Grant
- 2021 IU East Distinguished Research/Creative Activity Award
- 2013 IU East Award for Excellence in Research