KT Lowe
Assistant Librarian for Instruction
Hayes Hall 140A
View CV
- Master of Science in Information, 2011, University of Michigan
- Graduate Certificate in Museum Studies, 2011, University of Michigan
- Bachelor of Arts (Major: Asian Studies), 2008, University of Michigan
Current teaching interests
First year experience, Library instruction for humanities and social sciences
Current research interests
Misinformation and information literacy, Community information seeking
Recent Publications
- Lowe, KT. I see lies in your future: What librarians can learn from Fortunetellers about fake news. InULA Notes, Vol. 31, Issue 1, Spring 2019. https://tinyurl.com/y2d8uylu
- Lowe, KT. Ask the expert: Six tips for fighting fake news. News at IU, March 14, 2018. https://tinyurl.com/ycb229cj
- Lowe, KT. Google is not your friend. Synergy, School Library Association of Victorian (Australia). Volume 15, Number 2, 2017. https://tinyurl.com/y72n56vp
Book chapter
- Lowe, KT, Tobin, Ann, Yates, Frances. "Libraries as Catalysts for Service Engagement". In Expanding Relevancy: Innovation to Meet Changing Needs. McFarland: 2018
- Professional Staff Service Award, Indiana University East, 2018