Pepe Gimenez
Lecturer, Mathematics
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, Temple university, Philadelphia, PA.
Thesis: Fourier Coefficients of Vector-Valued Modular Forms of Negative Weight and Eichler Cohomology
Selected Publications
- Gimenez J., Muhlenbruch T., and Raji W., Construction of Vector-Valued Modular Integrals and Vector-Valued Mock Modular Forms. Ramanujan Journal DOI:10.1007/s11139-014-9606-3, Online 04. October 2014.
- Gimenez J. Eichler Cohomology Theorem for Vector-Valued Modular Forms, International Journal of Number Theory 09 (2013) 1765-1788.
- Gimenez J. and Raji W., q-Expansion of Vector-Valued Modular Forms of Negative Weights. Ramanujan Journal, Vol 27 No. 1 (2012) 1-13.
- Gimenez J. and Raji W. A Transformation Law of an Eta Product and the Invariance of a Class of Entire Modular Functions under Γ₀ (n). Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 2 (2008), 102-114.
Courses Taught
- Undergraduate: M413 Real Analysis I, M414 Real Analysis II, M405 Number Theory, M303 Linear Algebra, M215 Calculus I
- Graduate: T601 Topic Algebra (Number Theory), T610 Real Variables