Young You
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Whitewater Hall 256
(765) 973-8417
- 2011 - Ph.D in Mathematics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Current Research Interests
- Several Complex Variables; Nonlinear Pseudo-Differential Equations; Scholarship of Teaching and Learning; Optics
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
- You, Y. "Online Program Development as a Growth Strategy Across Diverse Academic Programs", International Journal of instructional Technology & Distance Learning 12(8), 2015 (with Larforge, C, Alexander, R, Sabine, N.).
- You, Y. On sharp Hölder estimates of the Cauchy-Riemann equation on pseudoconvex domains in Cn with one degenerate eivenvalue, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume, 2015, Article ID 731068 (with Cho, S)
- You, Y. Estimates of Invariant Metrics on Pseudoconvex Domains of Finite Type in C3. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 697160, 2014 (with Cho, S)
- You, Y. Design Considerations for Monolithic Beam Formers Based on Electro-Optic Polymer Phase Modulators and Strain-Induced Optical Waveguides, Proceedings of SPIE, 2013 (with Kim, S, Szep, A, Usevhak, N, Michalak, R)
- You, Y. Fabrication and Characterization of a Hybrid SOI 1x4 Silicon-Slot Optical Modulator Array Incorporating EO Polymers for Optical Phased-Array Antenna Applications. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8259, 2012 (with Kim, S, Szep, A, Usechak, N, Sun, H, Shi, S, Abeyshinghe, D, Dalton, L.)
Accepted Peer-Reviewed Publications
- You, Y. Design of Silicon Slot EO Polymer Optical Modulator Diffraction Array Beam Former. The 17th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, Busan in Korea, 2012 (with Kim, S, Szep, A, Usechak, N, Chen, A, and Dalton, L)
- You, Y. Necessary Conditions for Hölder regularity gain of the ∂̅-equation in C3.
Manuscripts (to be submitted)
- You, Y. A Variational Type Method for Solving Nonlinear Pseudo-Differential Equations. (with Arsie Alessandro, Ramesh Karki)
- You, Y. Nanoscale Silicon Slot Optical Waveguide Beam Former based on SOI and Nonlinear EO Polymer for Optical Phased Array Antenna Applications (with Kim, S, Chen, A, Sun, H, Abesinghe, D, Usevhak, N, Dalton, R, Shi, S, and Szep, A)
- Book Chapter: You, Y. "Best Practices in Online Teaching and Learning across Academic Disciplines", George Mason University Press (with Josh, B.) - Preprint
Selected Conference Presentations
- Three Presences as a framework in Online education, MAA Sectional Meeting, Franklin College, Mar. 18-19, 2016
- On Hölder Estimates of Cauchy-Riemann Equation on Pseudoconvex Domain in Cn, MAA Sectional Meeting, Purdue University North Central, Oct, 17, 2015.
- Interaction methods and technologies for online math classes, MAA Sectional Meeting, IPFW, Apr 4, 2014
- Necessary Conditions for Hölder regularity gain for ∂̅-equation in C3, Chonnam National University in Korea, June/27/2013 (Invited Talk)
- Necessary Conditions for Hölder regularity gain for ∂̅-equation in C3, Sogang University in Korea, June/05/2013 (Invited Talk)
- The Necessary Condition for Hölder regularity gain for ∂̅-equation in C3, MAA Sectional Meeting, Ohio, Dension University, April/06/2013
- Course Design and Technologies for Online Upper Level Math Classes, MAA Sectional Meeting at Indiana University East, Mar.22, 2013
- The Necessary Conditions for Hölder regularity gain for ∂̅-equation in C3, JMM(Joint Mathematical Meeting of AMS and MAA), Boston, Jan 4-7, 2012
- The Necessary Geometric Condition For the Solvability of the Inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann Equation, MAA Sectional meeting, University of Indianapolis, OCT 22, 2011
Professional Developmental Certificate
- Actuarial Exam P Certificate
- Quality Matter (QM) - Level 1 ("Applying Quality Matter Rubric") Certificate
- Quality Matter (QM) - Level 2 ("Certified Peer Reviewer") Certificate