I’m counting down the time (to the second, practically) before I leave for a trip I’ve been looking forward to for a while, one I’d planned on a whim a month or so ago. I won’t be gone but for a few days, however it happens to fall the first week of Spring ‘16 classes at Indiana University East. The reason for a slight rash of craziness? The trip crosses off a race I’ve had planted firmly as No. 3 on my bucket list (now No. 2 thanks to May 2015’s Indy 500) for quite some time.
That’s how some things fall in motorsports. That’s how some things fall when in school. Adjustments happen. But you have to get creative when managing time and commitments, and for assignments, there are still deadlines to be met.
To quote a former instructor of mine a few semesters ago, “If Venus Williams can submit her homework on time while competing in the French Open, so can you.”
So that’s the plan as I prepare to head to Tulsa, Oklahoma for the 30th annual Lucas Oil Chili Bowl Nationals. No excuses. My assignments have deadlines regardless of sitting in class or being at the track.
Tomorrow? You’ll find me buried in studying on my flights so I can stay on task with assigned coursework. Once arriving in Tulsa, I’m off to the track for the fourth night of qualifications. But, I’ve found that’s the glory of IUE’s Business program. This semester, I chose to take three courses in order to graduate on time: two online and one face-to-face. I prefer traditional lectures myself, but the online sections for each class are becoming a much more convenient option as I start to add additional travel with motorsports. Approaching my final days as an undergrad student at Indiana University East, I feel I bit off more than I could chew taking three classes in spring, with a slight case of “Senioritis” setting in…
…but I’m so beyond ready to graduate. Priorities.
For those who are unfamiliar with me, I’m a part-time student in the Business Administration program, in addition to a Marketing concentration. (Catch up, here!) It’s taken me just a smidgen longer than most traditional students to finish a Bachelors program, however working full-time while completing my degree, as well as working part-time doing freelance work within the industry I hope to begin as a career after graduation. Things can get a bit dicey, but with a goal of graduating this December, three classes it is.
My thought? “Venus did it. You can, too. Tighten those belts.”
…the checkers are almost out on graduation.
(Header photo credit: TJ Slideways)

- What You Can, When You Can - January 14, 2016
- Five Things Friday - September 11, 2015