Hello from Australia

Good morning from Australia!! And afternoon in the United States!

I arrived here yesterday and I can already tell I am going to love it! Everything is so green compared to Indiana at the moment and it’s so warm! As I am writing this, I hear that it is snowing currently in Indiana but if I can make you jealous, it is almost 90 degrees here!

I know people will ask about the wildlife and though I have been warned about it, I have yet to see anything. I just hear a lot of different birds through my dorm window. And that window will probably stay open for a long time because there is no air conditioning. And fans have been sold out everywhere unless you go to Sydney so I don’t see myself getting one soon.

I did go into Wollongong when I first got here! I had to buy a few things such as bed sheets and things like that. I intended for it to be a quick trip, maybe an hour. It turns out though that I can’t understand directions well and I got lost on the bus system for a good hour until I asked someone to help me. They got me on the right bus but I still missed the stop and had to wait for the bus to do it’s whole route again. I finally did make it to the mall though and I made it back to Campus East so all in all, it wasn’t that bad!

I met one of my roommates briefly last night as well. I can tell we are going to get along. He started here last year and he is actually originally from England! I don’t think he has been here that long either because the dorm is still looking very bare. I might go grocery shopping today to stock up the fridge just in case I don’t feel like eating at the cafe!

In the future, I will be putting up some vlogs and pictures and such but yesterday was so busy and overwhelming that I forgot to get my camera out. But don’t worry! You will see stuff soon!

About Erin

Hello there! My name is Erin Hoodlebrink and I am a senior Biochemistry major studying at the University of Wollongong in Australia for the semester! I will be sure to take as many pictures of kangaroos as possible for you all!

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