September 20, 2016
Hello, my name is Amber Huelskamp. I love going for hikes and exploring nature, drawing is one of my passions that I pursue in my “spare time”, and I love God. One of my favorite bible verses is Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”. I am currently a junior in the nursing program at IUE, which means I am bit of a busy bee, but I wouldn’t have it any other way and am excited for all that I am learning and experiencing thus far in my clinicals. ☺
I am currently in my second year of Student Government Association (SGA) at IUE. We are an amazing organization that is here to listen to students’ concerns and ideas for things going on around our campus! So don’t be afraid to come up to me or other members of our SGA team with your ideas, especially at our upcoming event: HOWL ABOUT IT which is September 27 (Tues in Whitewater) and 28 (Wed in Springwood) from 11-1. Students who provide feedback will be put into a drawing to win a gift card to The Den/Brewfus! And who doesn’t love free food?!
Later this week, we will be hosting another semi-annual event:
CHAT WITH THE CHANCELLOR on September 29 (Thurs) and traveling around campus from 11-12:15. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to talk with our amazing and energetic Chancellor!
I hope you guys noticed the event going on in Springwood Monday of last week in celebration of Constitution Day (which was on Saturday, September 17). We partnered with the new political science faculty on campus, Dr. Scott Lee, and helped students register to vote for the upcoming election, which is November 8, 2016. Dr. Lee created a contest for students to be recorded while reciting the preamble to the United States Constitution, with the top prize being $100, second $50, and third $25. I eventually convinced myself to participate after practicing for an hour (What did I have to lose?), so fingers-crossed the judges pick the girl with the spirit-fingers at the end! ☺
Since our last blog, we hosted a team-building event for SGA in the NEW Student Events Center. It was fun and helped us learn about our own strengths that we could bring to the group. We also had some great food and played various games!
Being a part of SGA, is exciting and has created so many opportunities for me to meet other people on campus, that I wouldn’t otherwise have been able to. I encourage you to consider applying this coming Spring to be a part of this wonderful group! Last year, we hosted a luau at the Chancellor’s house for anyone who was interested, so who knows what we will have in store this year! Now I have to head over to the volleyball game and get my FREE t-shirt and FREE food! (Wow, I love IU East!)
Does YOUR student organization need funding or ideas for an event? Come to our next meeting to find out how we can help you! SGA meetings are held every other Tuesday from 3:30-5pm in the Campus Life Conference Room. Our next meeting will be on October 4th, and we hope you will come join us!
-Your SGA

- Welcome Back! - January 23, 2017
- Winding Down - December 6, 2016
- Did you vote Rufus for President? - November 14, 2016
- Oct. 18th-31st - October 28, 2016
- A Chance to Help - October 19, 2016
- SGA on the Move - October 4, 2016
- Do you Howl About It? - September 23, 2016
- #SGAShakinItUp - August 23, 2016