Hi, everyone! My name is Katelyn Groff, and I am a sophomore in the Elementary Education program. This is my first year as an SGA member, and I am truly enjoying being a part of the organization! When I am not in class, I work in the campus library on weekday mornings. I love to read, go shopping with friends, spend time with my family, or hike trails. So, what has been going on in SGA lately?
SGA’s Last Meeting
On October 4th, 2016 the Chancellor came to our meeting! We discussed with her the suggestions made by students during “Howl About It” and “Chat with the Chancellor”. It was great to share what changes the students want to see happening around our campus!
One Book 2016
As an IU East student and a student library worker, I can truly say I am excited for the One Book event! This year’s One Book selection is Steven Pemberton’s A Chance in The World. The text details the author’s struggles and triumphs as a child in the foster care system. Pemberton is coming to speak at IU East on Tuesday, October 25th. His public presentation will begin at seven in the evening. Below is the general information concerning the One Book event and some additional information on the “Lightning Talks” that will also take place on the 25th.
11:30-1 pm- Empty Bowls Lunch
1-2:30 pm- A Chance in the World Read-A-Thon
5-6:45 pm- A Chance to Discover
6:15-6:45 pm- Book signing, phase 1
7-8 pm- Public presentation
8-9 pm- Book signing, phase 2
Ligntning Talks: 5:15-5:45 pm, WZ Lobby. Students can present a 2-minute talk on themes relevant to Steve Pemberton’s book A Chance in the World. These will take place during the A Chance to Discover resource event.
JACY House Drive
In partnership with One Book 2016, SGA is holding a collection for JACY House here in Richmond. This organization does great things for our community. JACY House gives children who may be victims or witnesses to abuse a safe, non-threatening environment in which to be interviewed by police or other authorities. Below is an advertisement you may see around campus with possible items to be donated. They can be dropped off at marked locations on campus or at the campus library. We will also be accepting monetary donations the night of the One Book presentation!
JACY House wish list:
Office Supplies: Writeable DVDs (DVD -R), Washable Markers, Flip Chart Easel Paper (non-stick), Post-it notes
Kids’ Supplies: Individually Packaged Kids Snacks and Drinks, Stuffed Animals (new/gently used), Hot Wheels (new)
Gift Cards: Gas Cards (for families travelling to JACY House), Walmart / Meijer, BestBuy /Office Max
Home Goods: Magazine subscriptions (People, Highlights, Sports Illustrated Kids, Parents, Newsweek), Batteries (all sizes), Keurig Coffee K-cups, Soda, Non-perishable snacks, Candy, Paper towels, Toilet paper, Kleenex, Trash can liners, Individual Bottled Water
If you are interested in joining our next Student Government meeting, it takes place on November 1st, 2016 in the Campus Life office at 3:30!

- Welcome Back! - January 23, 2017
- Winding Down - December 6, 2016
- Did you vote Rufus for President? - November 14, 2016
- Oct. 18th-31st - October 28, 2016
- A Chance to Help - October 19, 2016
- SGA on the Move - October 4, 2016
- Do you Howl About It? - September 23, 2016
- #SGAShakinItUp - August 23, 2016