Hello everyone! My name is Kelsey Weberg and I am a senior here at IU East majoring in criminal justice and minoring in biology. This is my first year being a part of the Student Government Association and I could not be more thrilled! Another organization that I am involved with is The National Society of Leadership and Success and I am the Community Service Chair.
I hope everyone enjoyed their winter break and that their first week of classes went well! I also hope everyone had a lot of fun at the Spring Welcome Back right here at IU East in the Student Activity Center! On Tuesday January 10th, IU East had a Roller Skating Rink, Name Art Dry Erase Boards, The Original Butt Sketch Artist, The Student Organization Fair, and also plenty of Wings and Fries! Then on Wednesday January 11th, IU East had Bumper Cars, DIY Lip Balm, The Cash Cube, and Walking Tacos! Hopefully everyone got the chance to stop by the SGA table and picked up one of the amazingly cool SGA pens if you decided to vote for the upcoming dance theme that is going to be happening this spring!
Upcoming SGA events for January include Howl About It and Chat with the Chancellor:
Stop by our table from 11-2 on January 23 in Springwood Hall or January 24 in Whitewater Hall and let SGA know what’s on your mind during Howl About It! Share success stories, make recommendations, or find out how you can get involved on campus.
Chat with the Chancellor will be taking place on January 30th from 11am-12:15pm so make sure to have your questions ready!
I hope that everyone has a great week!
-Your SGA

- Welcome Back! - January 23, 2017
- Winding Down - December 6, 2016
- Did you vote Rufus for President? - November 14, 2016
- Oct. 18th-31st - October 28, 2016
- A Chance to Help - October 19, 2016
- SGA on the Move - October 4, 2016
- Do you Howl About It? - September 23, 2016
- #SGAShakinItUp - August 23, 2016