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Tributaries Blog


My Favorite Piece: “Growing Pains”

By: Cadence Wright A poem that really impressed me from the 2024 edition of Tributaries was “Growing Pains,” by Meghan Grubb, a piece that depicts a woman ashamed to admit the realities of her...


What I Look for in a Short Story

As a fiction editor, I’m looking for stories with a cohesive and captivating plot. I want to clearly understand what’s happening in the story and be hooked by the beginning of the second paragraph....


What I Look for in a Poem

It’s normal for Tributaries to receive hundreds of submissions over the course of a year. With that many submissions, vetting each piece carefully can be overwhelming. As the Editor-in-Chief and Poetry Editor, there are...


Behind Translation

Translation is more relevant now than ever. In order to truly view the world’s literary progress, we must find a way to read as much as possible. However, it is not feasible for readers...