Dianne Moneypenny
The Honors Program offers world class educational experiences from outstanding teachers to academically accomplished students. It is an ‘Academics Plus’ program designed to scholastically enrich the undergraduate experience, and to expand professional and post graduate opportunities.
There is also an Honors Club devoted to promoting academic leadership, research, cultural well-roundedness and service. Click this link to learn more about the Honors Club.
Visit the new iGPS course search, select ‘IU East’ and the desired term, then click ‘Attributes’ and check the ‘Class approved for Honors Credit’ option!
Requirements: You must be enrolled in a bachelor's degree program. GPA of 3.3 or higher. A cumulative GPA of 3.3 is required for graduation from The Honors Program.
To Join: Contact the Honors Program Director dburke01@iue.edu and Karen Chambers karecham@iu.edu.
Participation in The Honors Program is by invitation or by application. Students matriculating to the university with an accumulated grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale are automatically invited to participate in the program. Upperclassmen who have obtained an accumulated grade point average of 3.3 may apply. Continued membership in the program is contingent upon the maintenance of a minimum accumulative grade point average of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale and the completion of the appropriate courses in The Honors Program curriculum each year.
A combination of minimum grade point attainment and the completion of all courses and requirements in The Honors Program curriculum is required for graduation from the program. Course requirements in the programs may vary according to students’ date of matriculation.
Honors Online is a dimension of The Honors Program devoted to supporting the particular needs of Honors students who are completing their course work remotely. A full suite of Online programming and planning tools is available to students in The Honors Program Canvas site.
Students who are admitted into and active in the Honors Program and meet certain requirements are eligible for the IU East Honors Program Scholarship. You must apply for this scholarship annually through the central IU Scholarships application. Available to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Learn more about the Honors Program scholarship
The Paul and Pat Lingle Scholars program is for incoming freshmen from Wayne County, Indiana, and enrolling in the Honors Program is part of the requirements of this scholarship.
Learn more about the Paul and Pat Lingle Scholars program
Graduating seniors who successfully complete their Honors Thesis and participate in Student Research event on campus are automatically considered for awards for Best Theses/Projects in the following categories: 1) Research, 2) Creative Work, and 3) Service-Learning.
Learn more about Student Research at IU East
Honors students interested in taking on a major research or creative project over the summer months should consider the SUMRS Scholars Award. This highly-competitive award is open to all IU East students, not just Honors students. For this award, you will need a faculty mentor and a complete application.
Learn about the SUMRS Award on the Research & Creative Work site
In H-option courses, faculty work closely with students to create and complete an additional unit of study focused on the students’ more personalized interests in the discipline. This additional unit may be an extra assignment or research project pre-designed by the faculty member. Or, it may be a unit of study wholly created by the Honors students. Faculty will receive a $100 stipend for each honors student they mentor in an h option course.
Each semester, a list of pre-approved, Honors option, or H option, courses are available in the schedule of courses. To find these classes, click the appropriate term; select IUE for campus; then click “Approved for Honors Credit” under “Attributes.”
This list of courses will be comprised of a combination of general education classes and upper division courses in various major and minor programs. The courses on this H option list will be available for direct registration for Honors students.
Honors students, faculty, or advisors may also elect to petition their course instructors to add H-option sections for existing courses. This Honors Option petition process will consist of the following steps:
The Honors Option unit of study should be seen as a ‘class within the class,’ meaning that faculty are encouraged to have periodic contact with Honors students throughout the completion of the unit of study, and to set distinct deadlines for the submission of project parts. The weight of the process and project that comprise the Honors option unit of study should be equal to 20% of the overall point total in the class.
Faculty will receive a link for their assessment of the students’ H-option work. Faculty will decide how they wish to apply H-option assignments in the calculation of final grades. Directing the work of Honors student in H options courses is considered Service to the Campus Community.
H-Option Statement for Syllabus
Honors HON-H 499 is the Senior Honors Thesis which is the capstone project in the Honors Program at Indiana University East. By design, the project integrates attributes of undergraduate research and Masters level practices and protocols. Thus, the project is one which brings together attributes of Honors education in general, and best practices in accelerated undergraduate research in particular.
The faculty research mentor works closely with the Honors students to determine a specific timeline for the completion of each portion of the thesis project. Serving as the faculty research mentor for an Honors 499 Senior Thesis Project is a funded opportunity.
Completion of the Honors 499 project ought to adhere to the following guidelines:
HON-H 499 Student Evaluation Form
Please direct questions and concerns about these guideline to the Director of the Honors Program, Dianne Moneypenny, at 765.973.8339.
Faculty who would like to become more intrusively involved with the inner workings of The Honors Program at the ‘meta’ level are encouraged to join The Honors Program Planning Committee. Membership on the committee is by appointment. Interested faculty are encouraged to contact the Director of The Honors Program at dburke01@iue.edu.
Dianne Moneypenny
Karen Chambers
Robin Brunk
Chien-Chung Chen
Denise Frazier
Edwina Helton
Justina Licata
Josh Tolbert
Young You
Brittney Chesher
Indiana University East
2325 Chester Blvd