
Grants provide opportunity for those who need it most

Grants are a type of gift aid that does not need to be repaid. They are typically awarded to students with demonstrated financial need; there are also a few set aside for members of the Indiana National Guard, as well as for spouses and children of some disabled or deceased veterans and public safety officers.

The FAFSA is the application for all federal grants and some state grants. Depending on your "Expected Family Contribution" determined by your FAFSA, you may receive Federal and/or State grants.

Federal grants

The Federal Pell Grant is awarded to students based upon their level of enrollment and Student Aid Index (SAI). The Federal Pell Grant is considered “portable,” meaning that, for a given academic year, an eligible student would receive the same Pell Grant at any university.

  1. Awards are based on a combination of SAI and level of enrollment:
    • SAI range of -1500 to 999999.
    • Amount of award is determined by the number of credit hours a student is enrolled in per semester. Minimum enrollment is 1 credit hour per semester.
    • Eligibility is based upon the number of enrolled hours at the end of the first week of classes.
    • In certain situations, an eligible student can receive up to 150% of his/her scheduled award for a year.  For example, a student enrolled full time in both fall and spring and then at least half time in the summer may be eligible to receive additional Pell funds for the summer semester.
  2. A student must be pursuing their first undergraduate degree.
  3. A FAFSA must be filed.
  4. The Federal Pell Grant is a need-based award and thus counts towards fulfilling a student’s overall need figure.
  5. Students can receive the Federal Pell Grant for no more than 12 semesters, or the equivalent.

Learn more about Federal Pell Grants

Complete the FAFSA and apply for financial aid at IU East 

The FSEOG is a federal, campus-based grant. This means that federal funds are provided to individual universities to administer at their discretion (although always within federally governed parameters); FSEOG amounts and eligibility requirements may therefore vary from university to university.

  1. A student must have a SAI of -1500 to 0
  2. A student must be receiving a Pell Grant (and thus be working on their first undergraduate degree).
  3. The FSEOG is a need-based award and thus counts towards fulfilling a student’s overall need figure.

There is no separate application for the FSEOG. The IU East Office of Financial Aid will independently award these while compiling your financial aid package.  Please note: FSEOG funds are limited, so the earlier you apply, the greater your chances of receiving this grant.

Learn more about the FSEOG

Complete the FAFSA and apply for financial aid at IU East 

State grants

To apply, simply complete the FAFSA on-time, and if you are eligible, you will be automatically considered for this grant.

The amount of this award is dependent upon the Student Aid Index (SAI), as well as the type of Indiana high school diploma the student received (Honors, Core 40, or General Diploma).

To qualify:

  • A student must be an Indiana resident (their parents must also be Indiana residents).
  • The FAFSA must be filed by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) priority deadline of April 15th of the upcoming school year.
  • A student must be full-time as of the ICHE census date (the end of the fourth week of classes).
  • A student must be working on their first undergraduate degree.
  • The award is a need-based award and thus counts towards fulfilling a student’s overall need figure.

The award is available for eight semesters of full-time enrollment. The O’Bannon Grant is designated for application towards the payment of tuition and fees, but this award will not cover a student's entire tuition and fee assessment.

Beginning in Fall 2013, all students first awarded state aid in that semester or after must meet the following requirements to receive a Frank O’Bannon Grant:

  • At the end of your first year, you must have at least 24 completed cumulative credit hours to receive the minimum grant amount or at least 30 completed cumulative credit hours to receive the maximum grant amount.
  • At the end of your second year, you must have at least 48 completed cumulative credit hours to receive the minimum grant amount or at least 60 completed cumulative credit hours to receive the maximum grant amount.
  • At the end of your third year, you must have at least 72 completed cumulative credit hours to receive the minimum grant amount or at least 90 completed cumulative credit hours to receive the maximum grant amount.

Learn more about the Frank O'Bannon Grant (

Complete the FAFSA and apply for financial aid at IU East 

The initial eligibility for this program is determined when a student is in 7th or 8th grade and meets specific income requirements. At that time, students take a Scholars Pledge, which they then reaffirm as high school seniors. The CHE regularly notifies us of who is still considered eligible for the program; if you are listed, the funds from this program will automatically be included in your financial aid package.


  1. A student must be an Indiana resident (their parents must also be Indiana residents) and must have graduated from an Indiana high school.
  2. The FAFSA must be filed on or before April 15th of the upcoming school year.
  3. A student must be full-time as of the CHE census date (the end of the fourth week of classes).
  4. A student must be working on their first undergraduate degree.
  5. The award is available for eight semesters of full-time enrollment.
  6. The 21st Century Scholars Award is designated for application towards the payment of tuition and fees.
  7. The award counts towards fulfilling a student’s overall need figure.

All students first awarded state aid in the Fall 2013 semester or after must meet the following requirements to continue to receive the 21st Century Scholars Grant:

  • At the end of your first year, you must have at least 30 completed cumulative credit hours.
  • At the end of your second year, you must have at least 60 completed cumulative credit hours.
  • At the end of your third year, you must have at least 90 completed cumulative credit hours.

Learn more about the 21st Century Scholars program

Complete the FAFSA and apply for financial aid at IU East 

Indiana’s Child of a Disabled Veteran Program and Public Safety Officer Supplemental Grant Program, collectively known as the CVO program, provide tuition and fee assistance for some veterans and dependents of military and public safety officers, including:

  • Eligible children of disabled Indiana veterans
  • Eligible children and spouses of certain members of the Indiana National Guard killed while on state active duty
  • Eligible children and spouses of certain Indiana public safety officers killed in the line of duty

CVO grants provide up to 100% of tuition and regularly assessed fees at the undergraduate rate for up to 124 credit hours.

If you’re interested in being considered for a CVO grant, submit your application and all necessary documentation to the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs through ScholarTrack at least 30 days before the start of the semester in which you plan to enroll. A completed and correct FAFSA must be submitted at least 7 to 10 business days before you apply for a CVO grant.

Learn more about each of the grants included in the CVO program:

CVO grants supplement other state financial aid. Tuition coverage is based on the veteran's enlistment date and disability rating. In some cases, you must use your CVO benefits within a certain period of time after applying for the grant.

You can find more information about CVO grants at the Indiana Commission for Higher Education.

If you’re an in-state student and a member of the Indiana Air and Army National Guard, you may be eligible for a grant that covers up to 100 percent of your tuition and regularly assessed fees.

The National Guard Tuition Supplement Grant (NGSG) will pay for up to 15 credits a semester for eight fall and/or spring semesters. To qualify, you must:

  • Be an in-state student enrolled in at least 3 credit hours per semester in pursuit of your first bachelor’s degree
  • Be certified eligible by the Indiana National Guard each academic term
  • Meet all other requirements specified by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) and the Indiana Air and Army National Guard

Requirements & how to apply

If a student is packaged with an estimated state award, such as the O'Bannon/Higher Education, Core 40, or Honors Grant, their official award will be determined by the Commission for Higher Education (CHE).

For IU East students, CHE awards are based on 15 credit hours per semester, if you enroll in fewer hours your award may be reduced or canceled accordingly.

But wait! There’s more.

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) is committed to making college more affordable for more Hoosiers. We’ve covered some of the more common state grants here, but you’ll find even more on the ICHE website.