Red Hot Search “Ignites” Campus library Searches

Red Hot Search “Ignites” Campus library Searches

Wow, it is RED-HOT in the Campus Library! Our searches are on fire!

Searches on library databases have been relegated to one-at-a-time searching for most of the databases subscribed to by the Campus Library. Google is seen as faster and more encompassing. Welcome RED-HOT-SEARCH! A multi-database, full-featured search tool.

Since January 2008 the library staff have been adopting several services from Serials Solutions, a library vendor of online products. These products, or online tools, allow library databases to be organized and searched in groups. The library dragon image leads users to the new library tools offered by the library vendor Serials Solutions 360.

Currently, about 80 campus databases may be searched at one time, selected as subject search databases or clicked individually to search 1-80 databases at one time. This research tool is very flexible, offering clustered results options, help screens, and Full-text choices.

RED-HOT-QUEST is a partner tool that also uses the dragon image to identify options to locate and obtain access to the full-text item chosen by the user.

Campus Library Patrons can use these two tools to search for resources and then go on a QUEST to find the full-text of articles chosen from the search. The tool either leads the researcher directly to full-text the library subscribes to, links to options for document delivery services offered by the library or offers the user options to save the citation information to the bibliography tool, RefWorks.

Posted originally in Red, Hot and New on

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