Hey, this is Matt again.
So, now that we have a video tour, what next? Now it’s your turn! The library is launching a contest for informational videos. They don’t have to be full tours, although they can be. You can highlight anything you want – a resource you particularly like, favorite places to be or things to do in the library, an interview – whatever you feel comfortable making.
The top three videos (based on user comments) will win prizes – $50.00 cash for first prize, a $25.00 gas card for second place, and a $10.00 gas card for third! The finished video should be in the neighborhood of 2 to 4 minutes, and showcase some feature of the library. The contest is open to students, staff, and professors alike.
So be creative! We welcome wackiness and off-the-wall innovation. Whatever your idea is – maybe you want to lead a tour with an accent and wearing a pith helmet, like the library is an archeological site. You could wear thematic costumes in different sections of the library. Maybe you want to do it at night, with the lights off, in shaky-cam Blair Witch fashion. Or do it fast, moving backwards like the camera’s following you paparazzi-style. Prefer something more interactive? Maybe you might set it up in Flash like a choose-your-adventure book. Fancy camera work not your thing? Do a video in rhyming faux-Shakespearean couplets. Whatever you want to do, we want to see it. If you need special arrangements to use the library or an unusual setup, contact me to arrange them (mdilwort@iue.edu, or x279). I know you can do amazing things!
Submissions can be entered up to Friday, February 26th! If you haven’t seen it, our Barbie Action Figure tour is on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IENKivi3pEg.