Murder in the Stacks

Murder in the Stacks

A murder in the library!  And only you can solve the crime!  Or help commit it…

The IU East Drama club, Humanities club, and the Friends of the Library will hold a Murder Mystery play on April 17th, and we’re looking for some enthusiastic actors to portray the characters!

Ayumi as a flapper

The play is set in the 1920s, and heavy on the dramatic mood of the time.  Anyone is welcome to audition – students, faculty, staff, community residents.  If you’ve had a dramatic itch, or want to try out being an actor, this is the perfect opportunity for you!

You could be famed sleuth Sherlock Poems.  Or head librarian Noelle Ital.  Or the murderer… well, they didn’t tell me who the murderer is.  I guess they thought I’d blab about it in a blog or something.

Don’t like dialogue?  We could use a half dozen flappers and dancers that can do the Charleston, as well.

You can contact Frances Yates to schedule an audition anytime before February 22nd.  Just call her at (765) 973-8470 or email at

The audition flyer is online here:

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