Billie Girl

Billie Girl

A few days ago we were privileged to hear Vickie Weaver speak and read from her book Billie Girl, which won the 2009 Leapfrog Fiction Contest.  Weaver spoke on her journey towards becoming an author, and the challenges of that work.

vickie weaver

One thing Ms. Weaver has found is that her writing has naturally gravitated to giving voice to the voiceless and underrepresented in society.   This awakening began for her in college, as she discovered women’s studies classes, and now flows naturally from her novels.

Ms. Weaver is an alumna of IU East, and received her M.F.A. in creative writing from Spalding University.  While she is first and foremost a writer, Weaver also teaches composition and creative writing part-time at IU East.

The whole speech can be found at:  Ms. Weaver starts reading at 32:53.

The author’s website, including excerpts from her writings, is available at

Billie Girl

The reading was sponsored by Friends of the Library and Mindful Explorations.  Reviews of the novel and purchase links can be found at/:

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