Credo Reference Concept Map Poetry Contest! Money! YOU win AND the Library wins!

Credo Reference Concept Map Poetry Contest! Money! YOU win AND the Library wins!

You might be thinking, what’s “Credo reference,” what’s a “concept map,” and most important, “how do I win?”

Credo Reference is a service the library subscribes to so IU East  students and faculty have access to full-text articles, images, video and audio clips. It even helps you find books in the IU library catalog (IUCat) and suggests search terms for your topics.

You can access Credo Reference from anywhere using your iu user id and password via the proxy server:

Credo Ref Logo
Credo Ref Logo

More reliable than Google or Wikipedia, Credo Reference is easy to navigate and you can save or email your search content. It also has useful tools, including pronunciations and a crossword puzzle solver!

A unique feature of Credo Reference is the Concept Map.  When you type a topic into the search bar a graphic will appear with that topic in a small bubble and many connecting lines to related bubbles. If you drift your curser over a bubble, a window will pop up with a linked source. You can rotate your map or change its size, and, if you click on a bubble, you will see a new concept map with new connections. The Concept Map is a great way to see how your topic relates to other topics and find useful sources.

For the contest, use the Credo Reference Concept Map to search for a word, phrase, person, etc.

Compose a poem using at least 5 of the words that make up the resulting map.

Entries are due by June 15.  Email your poem (limit one per person) to We’d also love if you posted it on the Library Facebook page!

Questions about Credo? Ask us!

Here are details about the concept map poetry contest. Be creative, have fun, and good luck!

1st Prize:
Author: $1,000
Library: Apple iPad or $1,000 discount on a Credo Reference purchase or subscription.

2nd Prize:
Author: $500
Library: $250 Amazon Gift Card or $500 discount on a Credo Reference purchase or subscription.

3rd Prize:
Author: $250
Library: $100 Amazon Gift Card or $250 discount on a Credo Reference purchase or subscription

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