Ask us!

Ask us!

Welcome back students! As the Fall semester quickly approaches, it’s helpful to know who to ask for what at your Campus Library.  All library staff have service as a top priority and we aim to do everything we can to help students be academically successful. So ask us…hopefully you’ll be glad you did!


Need to check out a book or film, whether from the stacks or on reserve, or schedule a room or get something from the Archives? Mandi Moning is our Coordinator of User Services and Archives.  Mandi just celebrated her one year anniversary with IU East.  She earned her undergraduate degree at Miami University and dual Masters in History and Library Science from New York.  You can find Mandi at the front service desk or via email or phone: or 765-973-8204


Also at the front desk is our very helpful student staff: Jesse, Amy, Vanessa, Ann, and Kira. Our students are valuable members of the library staff and complete important daily tasks and special projects. They represent several majors (psychology, criminal justice, and nursing) and range in class from first year to senior so they can truly relate to students and their library needs for assignments! The service desk phone is 765-973-8470.


Have a reference question or need help with a research assignment? Coordinator of Reference Matt Dilworth can help! Matt earned his undergraduate degree at Earlham and a Masters in Library Science from IU and has been working at the IU East Campus Library for eight years. He really knows our resources well and is a good person to know throughout your education at IU East! Visit Matt in his office on the first floor of the Library or contact him via email or phone: or 765-973-8279.  You can also ask reference questions at  or via


Need a book or article not owned by I.U. East? Marcia Sloan can help you find it through inter-library loan! Marcia earned her undergraduate degree at IU East and has worked at the Library for many years.  Her office is on the first floor near the elevator and she can also be contacted at or 765-973-8309


For Library instruction you can contact Lora Baldwin. We look forward to working with all students on a variety of assignments.  If a class you are in doesn’t have library instruction scheduled, ask us for an individualized session! Lora has been at IU East since her days as an undergraduate here, progressing to Associate Librarian after earning an IU Master’s in Library Science. Lora’s office is on the 2nd floor or connect with her at or 765-973-8226


A Library guide (“libguide”) is a handy resource targeted to a specific course. It organizes together various information sources, including books, articles, websites, and films. Samples of libguides are here: If there’s not one for your course, let Sue McFadden know it is needed! Sue has worked at IU East since her undergraduate days, earned an IU Masters in Library Science  and holds the rank of Associate Librarian. Contact Sue in her 2nd floor office or via or 765-973-8325.


If you have any ideas, suggestions, issues or concerns about the Campus Library you are welcome to contact Library Director Frances Yates. Frances earned a BA in Education from Purdue and Masters and Specialist degrees in Library Science from IU.  Frances was an academic librarian at University of Maryland and Miami University and has been at IU East since July 2009.  Contact Frances at or 765-973-8470.

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