Summer and Service

Summer and Service

Summer and Service make a great mix, and we’re busy connecting campus and community.  Frances Yates continues in her role as faculty representative for Service-Learning and Heidi Huff (Lib-lady Heidi Huff) has added the role of service-learning coordinator to her campus responsibilities.  In addition to offering support for courses with service-learning components, we’re placing Experiential Learning Scholars (ELS) in the community.  ELS partner with community organizations focusing on several kinds of literacy, including reading, financial, health, and civic responsibility. Here are the ELS partnerships for the summer, thus far:


ELS Kesla Klingler will be preparing awesome literacy activities for Girls, Inc. of Wayne County.  These activities may include Connections Kits—available from the Campus Library, complete with themed books and projects.  Additionally, Kesla will be tasked with creating her own edutainment activities to share with the girls!  Girls, Inc. is a new partnership for ELS this summer and with Kesla’s past experience tutoring at Northeastern we know they’ll be a great match!

kristy and mary

Experiential Learning Scholars Mary Alvey and Kristy Lohnes will continue their work with Boys & Girls Club of Wayne County  assisting with the Academic Enrichment Program and tutoring sessions.  This program will “hold special classes on unique topics” like science, cooking, crafts, and fun fitness!   

video production

READ TV is hosted by the Indiana University East Library, with campus and community partners. “Read, Explore, Ask, Discover” brings the classroom to the community via student-produced television that promotes youth and family reading.  AmeriCorps Service Engagement Corps member Ed DeLaPaz will be assisting with on location filming at Girls, Inc., Cope Environmental Center, and other community organizations.  Coming soon to a TV near you!

In addition to the ELS placements there are a number of service-engagement activities happening on and around campus including:  

Communities in Schools – Richmond will be bringing area middle school students to IU East for enrichment activities twice a week for 5 weeks starting June 12th.   The schedule includes Making Good Decisions, Draw Your Own Graphic Novel, Healthy Habits, Book Drama, Music-Making, and Braaaiiinnnsss!, a zombie-themed scavenger hunt.  Spots for facilitating hands-on activity sessions for these pre-college students are filling up fast so if you’d like to be involved please let us know!

working with cis kids

IUE is also involved in Play in the Park (PIP) in Liberty, Indiana.  June 21st is IU Day, when students will participate in activities with an IU theme and meet RUFUS!  June 28th is a Pet Fest and PIP participants will learn all about how to care for their furry friends.

If your class would like to be involved in any of the partnerships above or partnerships of your own, please let us know. Contact Frances Yates at or Heidi Huff at Already have a service-learning partnership with your courses?  Tell us about it and YOU could be in our next blog feature!

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