Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month

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September 15 – October 15, 2012

*Art Exhibits * Service Learning * Film * Poetry * Visiting Authors*

National Hispanic Heritage Month is observed in America each year, from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. This observation also honors Mexico, Chile, and five Central American countries, who all celebrate their independence in September :Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.

Beginning in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson, the observation was extended by Congress twenty years later to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15. Upon the approval of Public Law 100-402, National Hispanic Heritage Month was enacted into law on August 17, 1988.

*Art Exhibits *

julien simon paintingHispanicampus –  Sept. 20, 2012, 11am-1 pm – Along with professor-created travel Hispanic U.S. posters, IU East students in Spanish courses will design and implement “museum exhibits” for each building on campus.  These exhibits will focus on the United States, Indiana, and Richmond’s Hispanic heritage.

Los Hispanos – Sept. 15-Oct. 15, 2012 – IU East Whitewater Gallery Exhibit – Students, faculty, and staff will be exposed to various artists from Spain, Latin America, and the U.S. and will see central themes of Hispanic art.


day of deadWednesday, Oct 3, 2012: Day of the Dead Altar Building Competition  5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Spanish classes at IU East will create altars for Day of the Dead. Members of the campus will be invited to contribute photos of loved ones as well. On the 3rd the classes will present their altars and speak about Day of the Dead. The campus will vote for their favorite altar.  Altars will remain available for viewing in the I U East Library Atrium. Image Credit: Richard Maschmeyer / Robert Harding World Imagery / Universal Images Group

*Service Learning*

seussHuevos verdes con jamón: Service Learning September 26.  This is a service learning field trip activity.  IUE Spanish classes will go to local elementary schools to read Dr. Seuss in Spanish and speak about Hispanic Heritage.  They can work with ESL students specifically or with whole classrooms.  ESL students will help IUE students with pronunciation. 

amigosAmigos: Service Learning Tuesdays/Thursdays 9-17 thru 10-15-2012 IUE students help adult ESL learners learn English.  IUE students get extra Spanish practice, cultural knowledge, and exposure to the target culture. Amigos Richmond Latino Center at the Townsend Community Center.

la misma lunaThursday, Oct 11, 2012: Cine on the Lawn – La Misma Luna  

7:30pm, on the IU East lawn. La Misma Luna, a Hispanic film will be presented and explained by IUE faculty. There will be a Q&A session following the film.

Image Credit:Richard Maschmeyer / Robert Harding World Imagery / Universal Images Group


Saturday, Sep 15, 2012 to Monday, Oct 15, 2012: Whitewater Community TV Poetry Readings

Recorded and broadcast via WCTV. A series of Hispanic poetry readings.


*Author Visits*

ana castilloWednesday, Sep 26, 2012, 1:00 p.m. Ana Castillo, novelist, essayist and poet, explores what Ibis Gomez-Vega has called “those segments of the American population often separated by class, economics, gender and sexual orientation.”

Location: Goddard Auditorium, Carpenter Hall, Earlham Campus. No Tickets required.

amada irmaMonday, Oct 22, 2012 to Tuesday, Oct 23, 2012: Guest Author Amada Irma Perez At Earlham, Amigos Latino Center, and I U East. Amada Irma Pérez has been a bilingual educator, consultant and presenter for more than twenty-five years.  Her teaching experience includes kindergarten through university.  She is an advocate of programs that encourage literacy and multicultural understanding.  She believes that better communication will lead to world peace.

To find more resources about Hispanic culture, the IU East Library has these guides available:






Have questions about Hispanic culture? Ask us! iueref@iue.edu

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