Library Club scholarship recipients explain how the library helps them attain their academic goals

Library Club scholarship recipients explain how the library helps them attain their academic goals

Welcome to Spring 2013! The library has many resources and services useful in helping you succeed in your academic career. Read on to find out how these library club scholarship winners benefit from using our Campus Library..and how you can too!


“…there are worlds, realms, characters, creatures, and individuals contained in their bound margins, whose stories are bursting at the seams, waiting to begin …” ~ Chase Eversole

Even as technology has made accessing research materials easier, the library remains a vital part of my studies. Whether I’m accessing the databases at home or thumbing through a book when I’m on campus, I’ve come to respect and appreciate the resources I’m given as a student. Having the ability to find virtually any book I need, either through the physical library or through inter-library loan, is something I treasure. In most cases, I’ve discovered there is not a single thing I cannot acquire from the library, be it a large body of work or the final fragment of information I need to wrap up a project. The library is the perfect environment for me to get things accomplished. Being surrounded by knowledge gives me the frame of mind and the encouragement I need to learn and apply what I’ve learned in a variety of contexts. Perhaps my favorite part of the library is the environment: There are minimal distractions. The sounds are hushed, so there are few things to break your concentration. As a writer, there is no better place to perfect your craft than the library. You are surrounded by the greats who inspire you, and, in the silence, they speak to you: “Keep going.” In these large spaces that are traditionally quiet, there are worlds, realms, characters, creatures, and individuals contained in their bound margins, whose stories are bursting at the seams, waiting to begin and end once more.

quiet study

The library helps me accomplish my academic goals by providing help with research and providing a quiet place to study. ~ Danielle Johnson

The library helps me accomplish my academic goals by providing help with research and even more ways to keep myself organized and on track with my schoolwork. Whether it be help with my homework, or just having a computer to print from, the library is a necessity to my good grades and even my social life. I’ve spent more time in the library than I ever thought I would when I first started at IU, but it has helped a lot! For example, if I need a quiet place to study, that’s where I go. If I need some help with my research papers that’s where I go. If I need to meet with some friends to organize a project, that’s where I go. It’s a safe haven where I can go if I need to. It’s nice that I live close to campus, but I use the library after classes for working on papers, assignments or projects instead of completing them at home because I can so easily get distracted. Lots of my professors encourage us to go to the library and since the first time, I’ve gone back almost every week! I’m so glad that IU East has a library on campus where I can research or order books from other campuses!


The Library’s large selection of foreign language films helps improve language skills outside the classroom setting. ~ Thomisa Tudor

My primary academic goals are to graduate from Indiana University East with High Distinction and a minor in Spanish. A secondary academic goal of mine is to become fluent in Spanish. Indiana University East’s Library is helping me to achieve these goals through the resources and services it offers. Since enrolling in my first Spanish course at Indiana University East two years ago, I have regularly taken advantage of the Campus Library’s large selection of foreign language films. I check out at least four films each semester in order to complete my listening portfolio. Viewing these films provides me with the opportunity to further acclimate myself with the Spanish language outside of the classroom setting.

Besides borrowing the library’s foreign language films, every semester I utilize the library databases of scholarly articles to compose papers for my courses. This semester, I researched the historical role of women in American theatre. I even acquired two books on this topic from another campus through Interlibrary Loan with the help of Reference Coordinator Matt Dilworth. Perhaps the most underrated resource of the Campus Library is its staff. Earlier this year, Mandi Moning kindly printed copies of the Hispanic and Francophone film series lists for me so I could select films to view for my listening portfolio. The Campus Library employees have always been extremely accommodating when I have needed their assistance in locating materials. Without them, I might still be wandering through the stacks!


“The library …provides a great place for me to focus.” ~ Megan Winn

The library helps me accomplish my academic goals because it provides a great place for me to focus. I am a very high-energy and fun loving person, so trying to focus in the Graf or anywhere else on campus is really hard because I get distracted so easily. I am in the library at least 3 times a week at one of the very back student “cubby holes” (as I like to call them). I literally get back there and will be able to get so much more work done than any other place. I like it because it is kind of like my own little secret homework spot. This semester it has really helped me because I took 19 credit hours and was working 2 part time jobs. So instead of studying at home, where I would be tempted to sleep, I would go to the library and feel a whole new wave of energy come over me and I would become extremely productive in the hours that I was there.

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