Transform U: Empower Your Vision, Your Voice, Your Future

Transform U: Empower Your Vision, Your Voice, Your Future

One of IU East’s core principals is diversity, so we are always excited at new opportunities in multiculturalism. And on November 1st, IU is offering a big one. The annual Diversity Leadership Conference is targeted towards students, helping you contribute to diversity education, personal empowerment, and developing leadership skills.


This year’s theme is “Transform U: Empower Your Vision, Your Voice, Your Future” and is geared to empowering students to take ownership of their college experience by taking meaningful action to effect positive change both at their institution and in their world. If you want to develop a broader multicultural understanding of yourself and of your environment, this might be a great opportunity for you. Registration is due by Friday, October 24th, and the conference will be held at the Indiana University Auditorium in Bloomington.

But even if you can’t attend, there are plenty of ways to learn about diversity right here, and the library offers a wealth of information. Maybe you’re researching an aspect of multiculturalism or a specific movement, like feminism or queer theory. Maybe you’re looking for information about a threat to it, like ageism, classism, racism, sexism, or ableism.

diversity books

Whatever your information need, we have lots of great titles to support it like Multiculturalism on Campus: Theory, Models, and Practices for Understanding Diversity and Creating Inclusion by Michael Cuyjet, Ashgate Research Companion to Multiculturalism by Duncan Ivison, Multicultural Odysseys: Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity by Will Kymlicka, Deep Cultural Diversity: A Governance Challenge by Gilles Paquet, Perspectives on the Intersection of Multiculturalism and Positive Psychology by Lisa Edwards, Diversity Research and Policy: A Multidisciplinary Exploration by Steven Knotter, Creating Multicultural Change on Campus by Raechele Pope or The Intercultural City: Planning for Diversity Advantage by Phil Wood. And for articles and essays, we have databases like African-American History Online, American Indian History Online, Contemporary Women’s Issues, Gender Watch, Informe Revistas en Espanol, Opposing Viewpoints, or Social Theory.

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