This week is Money Smart Week, a personal financial literacy initiative started in Chicago in 2001. Today, it is observed in a dozen states and is supported by the American Library Association and the Financial Planners Association. This public awareness campaign helps people, especially youth, manage their finances through numerous programs targeted at all kinds of groups and individuals.
Many of our students are already quite experienced at budgeting, and have been managing their own households for many years. Others are new to it, though, and could use an ally. Especially our soon-to-be graduates, when the dreaded student loan repayment bills start to come! Fortunately, there are plenty of tools and resources for you to use right here in the library.
A great place to start is our financial literacy libguide. It includes articles, books, and websites of use to building your financial literacy skills, as well as material selected by our financial aid department that can help with repaying student loans. But of course, it’s only the tip of the iceberg. We have plenty more, as well – check out titles like The finance and accounting desktop guide: accounting literacy for the non-financial manager by Ralph Tiffin, Teens and credit by Roman Espejo, Taking ownership of the future: the national strategy for financial literacy, Using deliberative techniques to teach financial literacy by Nancy Claxton, or PISA 2012 Results: Students and Money: Financial Literacy Skills for the 21st Century for helpful tips and tools. There’s something for every need.
And as always, if you have any questions, please ask us at!