Celebrate Student Scholarly Work at IU East

Celebrate Student Scholarly Work at IU East

Student Research Day (SRD) is a tradition at Indiana University East and it began as the culmination of the SUMRS (Summer Research Scholars Program) for undergraduates. After the research was completed the students presented their scholarly research findings at a meeting. Over the years the meeting expanded to an event each spring with the SUMRS scholars and additional students sharing findings and results from their research and creative activities. The range of activities for SRD includes oral presentations, poster presentations, 3-minute presentations, and distance presentations. At SRD 2017 on March 31st, the promotional issue of the Journal of Student Research at Indiana University East was shared with presenters and attendees. The journal celebrates and records student scholarly achievements while at Indiana University East.

As an Open Access (OA) work, the Journal of Student Research at Indiana University East (JSR@IUE ) is online at https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/jsriue/index. Please take a look at this first, promotional issue celebrating Student Research Day and IU East Students’ Scholarly and Creative contributions! The students as authors are searchable in Google/Google Scholar and the entries link to each journal article. The variety of student work in this issue demonstrates the ways students’ scholarly work may be shared through a journal publication.

Become a reader, see the link on the Journal’s webpage and receive an email when future issues are published, the next issue is planned in Fall 2017.

The first, full issue of JSR@IUE is planned for fall 2017 and will include the works and research from SRD 2017. The Student Chair of SRD 2017, Elizabeth Miller is working with students to begin the process and work to bring a presentation to a publishable article. As the Student Editor, Ms. Miller helps the students understand and identify the necessary tasks/steps to perfect and submit the project. Authors agree that the submitted work is free of plagiarism, include approvals for research as needed from institutional review boards, and agree to waive FERPA protections for the article publication. Student authors retain copyright of their works and the journal publishes through a limited license to share and archive the works. The faculty editors for the journal will finalize the publication for Fall 2017.

Following the publication of the second issue, a call for publication of the Spring 2018 edition will provide an opportunity for students who do not participate in SRD, a way to publish their scholarly and creative works. Suggestions for submissions include: research papers, capstone projects, travel research & commentaries, blogs, poetry, art pieces, and poster sessions.

Please send comments & suggestions to Sue McFadden smcfadde@iue.edu.


Indiana University. (2017) IUScholarWorks. Retrieved from https://scholarworks.iu.edu/


The sponsorship of the IU East Academic Affairs Office and the Campus Library supports the production of the Journal of Student Research at Indiana University East. The technology resources used are part of Indiana University’s commitment to Scholarly Communication.

IUScholarWorks and IUScholarWorks Journals are provided by the IU Libraries, with the support of IU’s Office of Information Technology (IUITS)

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