INSPIRE ebooks now available, plus other ebook facts!

INSPIRE ebooks now available, plus other ebook facts!

INSPIRE is Indiana’s virtual online library offered by the Indiana State Library and accessible to all Indiana residents. It is a collection of academic databases, and also has ebooks available through one of our ebook vendors, EBSCO. You can now search IUCat for titles that are offered by INSPIRE and can access them in EBSCO ebooks. There are more than 2,500 ebooks now available in all major subject areas. If you want to view the extensive list, you can check out the titles here

While we are on the topic of ebooks, it is good to know that we have a few ebook platforms, but our two largest are Ebooks by EBSCO and Ebook Central by ProQuest. Both of these can be located in our A-Z list, but all ebooks are searchable in our online catalog, IUCAT. So, if you are searching for a particular book or a topic and IUCat locates what you want, all you have to do is click on the link in the record and it will take you to whichever platform the book is available on for viewing. It is also useful to know that while most ebooks have unlimited access, some can only be viewed by one person at a time. So if you ever get a message saying the book is currently being viewed or “checked out,” you may need to try again in a couple of days.

As always you can contact the IU East Library staff for any help in locating or accessing an ebook . Just Ask Us! or stop by the library.

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