You on the Market

You on the Market

“Class of 2018, the world is yours. Work hard, treat everyone kindly, and great things will happen.” – Umer Khan, class of 2018

Congratulations to all 831 of IU East’s newest graduates.  We are proud of you all, and your great work in your time with us.  But now is a time of transition – a time when most of you will take your hard-earned new skills and knowledge and turn them into a rewarding job (those that aren’t pursuing graduate studies, at any rate).  It can be scary – not just the transition, but the act of ‘selling yourself’.  Many of you are modest, and find it difficult to convey to others just how much you bring to the table.  But you do have a lot to offer, and employers that choose to ‘invest’ in you will find that they are getting a great deal.

IU East is here to help in your transition to a career.  Both our alumni, and students for whom graduation is still a year or more off.  We pride ourselves on ‘student success’ and consider that an ongoing process – when you’re here and when you join the professional world.  We have a whole department tailored to helping you in marketing yourself to potential employers.  The IU East office of Career Services offers career counseling, assistance with job searching, the opportunity to job shadow, internships, assistance in writing résumés, and tips for presenting yourself in interviews.

But every employee is committed to your success, not just a single department.  And the library offers a multitude of great tools to help you as you step out into the world.  We offer books on every topic – interviewing, résumés, salary discussion, and more.  You can choose from titles like The Elements of Résumé Style: Essential Rules for Writing Résumés and Cover Letters That Work by Scott Bennett, Killer Cover Letters and Resumes!, Be Prepared! Getting Ready for Job Interviews by Julie-Ann Amos, Negotiating Solidarity: A Social-Linguistic Approach to Job Interviews by Caroline Lipovsky, Lifescripts: What to Say to Get What You Want In 101 of Life’s Toughest Situations by Stephen M. Pollan, Starting Your New Business: A Guide for Entrepreneurs by Charles L. Martin, You Need to Be a Little Crazy: The Truth about Starting and Growing Your Business by Barry Moltz, or How to Turn an Interview into a Job by Jeffrey G. Allen.

We’ve made tools, as well – our Career Connections LibGuide is loaded with books, websites, and videos focused on every need you might have transitioning to the professional world, from acing the interview to entrepreneurship for those striking out on their own.  And there’s plenty of statistical data for you, too, from trusted authorities like the Occupational Outlook Handbook, which can tell you what the expected growth potential of certain careers is, as well as what salary range you should be asking for.

Moving from college to the professional world – and putting yourself on the market – can be scary, but you’ve got plenty of allies.  You can ask us at or Career Services at!

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