Jenny Hoops and Women of Valor

Jenny Hoops and Women of Valor

This fall, IU Bloomington MLS student Jenny Hoops is developing digital timelines for the IU East Campus Library Women of Valor: Interfaith Actions for Social Justice LibGuide, in collaboration with library director Frances Yates. Jenny will be utilizing Knightlab software to develop digital scholarship for many of the women featured in Women of Valor, with emphasis on their contributions to social justice. She also plans to add additional content to the guide, particularly in her area of focus: women’s lives and experiences after World War II.

(Image via Knightlab)


The first few timelines have been published on the Women of Valor website. The first timeline tells the story of Sojourner Truth, a famous abolitionist and women’s rights activist known for her fiery preaching and unyielding crusade against the slavery that had once shackled her. The second timeline focuses on the life of Jane Addams, the “Mother of Social Work” and a renowned reformer of the Progressive Era.

Sojourner Truth (Image via Smithsonian Institution)

Jane Addams (Image via Library of Congress)

The Women of Valor project began during Yates’ research sabbatical in Spring 2017 and has continued to grow. In summer 2017, content from the resource was featured in Herstory Camp.

As Jenny continues to work on this project, she hopes to highlight the stories of significant women who shaped history. By featuring these lives, as well as ensuring that they are presented in an accessible, user-friendly, and interesting format, we hope to showcase the complexity and variety of history often neglected. Interested in learning more about Women of Valor and how you can be involved? We welcome your inquiries!

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