Your knowledge routine for 2019

Your knowledge routine for 2019

As tempting as it may be to “just google it” your Campus Library offers a vast array of reliable resources, and qualified human support, to help you be successful in your academic endeavors. No matter how long you have been a student, there is always new content and resources to discover. You can enhance your knowledge routine in 2019 by visiting the Library, in person or online!

In person, we are here for you with assistance to find books, articles and more – just connect with Matt, KT, Beth or Frances. The Library also houses the Center for Service-Learning, so if you’re interested in serving our community, Ann is the person to see.

Online, we offer virtual reference service…simply click the  button or email

Top Library Resources

Academic Search Premier ProQuest Central Richmond Pal Item
Credo Reference Opposing Viewpoints ILLiad 2.0 (Interlibrary loan)
JSTOR ProQuest Ebook Central LibGuides
Database of Articles (A-Z List) Wiley Online LibGuides Subject Listing


Handy links to essential academic resources provide you with easy access to content needed for effective research. If you haven’t received library instruction in any of your classes, 2019 is the year to explore specialized databases specific to your subjects. Need help?  


This search box uses the IU Library catalog, IUCAT.  There are many search options and although it can be easy to use, it is advantageous to consult with library staff to find the best approach for your information needs. No need to hesitate, that’s what we’re her for, so 

Cool tools like the EBSCO Discovery service do meta searches….it searches across many databases, saving you time and information overload. But it’s useful to have tips and tricks that library staff can show you, and you know what you can do…. 

So, if you don’t yet have the library as part of your knowledge routine, please include it in 2019!

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