Where to Get Things

Where to Get Things

If you’ve been anywhere near Hayes Hall recently, you’ve probably encountered a lot of construction, and the attendant noise that accompanies it.  Navigating the current quirks of the building – for example, the only working elevator is currently the one that goes through the library, the School of Business offices, and the custodial supply room; not the main one – can be like going on an adventure.  So, while we would love to have you in the library (and we are still fully open for business, with plenty of computers and study spaces arranged in our book stacks), we understand if, just for this one semester, you would like to avoid us as much as possible.

But you still need to pass your classes, and for that, the wealth of research tools and information offered by the library is invaluable.  You can’t succeed without it.  But how do you get the most out of the library while spending minimal time in it?  Where do you go to get the things you need?


Fortunately, a lot you might want is online.  All of our journals and articles can be found in our online databases, and even our book collection is mostly online.  For books that aren’t, you can look them up in IUCAT, our catalog, and choose ‘request delivery’ for ones you want.  Library staff will pull them off the shelves and have them waiting for you at the front desk the next morning, minimizing the amount of time you need to spend in the library.  The front desk is also still the place to go to pick up any reserves or interlibrary loan materials for your classes – in all cases, your Crimson Card will act as your library card.  Reference services are also available remotely, by email or phone.

If you just really like studying in the library environment and don’t want to give that up, you are always welcome.  There are still ten computers for student use in the book stacks, and the further back you go, the quieter it is.  However, there is not currently a printer in the library, so for printing, scanning, and photocopying, you will need to cross the hall to the Information Commons, room 115.  Your Crimson Card is needed to print.


In addition to those services also offered to students, many services for faculty can be initiated remotely.  From putting a book on reserve to requesting an instruction session for your class to initiating the library stage of the CARMIN new course activation process, you have options for doing so from your office or home.

Also, starting this semester, the Center for Faculty Development (formerly the Center for Teaching and Learning) is now inside of the library.  Fortunately, it is far away from the current construction, in the back of the book stacks.  When you get off the elevator, walk straight ahead and you’ll see it.

The library staff is always ready to help you.  You can find out more about the services we offer, as well as contact information for each of us, here.  The construction will all be over eventually.  And then, there will be fantastic new spaces and facilities for you to use.  But in the meantime, the library stands ready to serve your scholarly needs… even if you’d prefer that be from a distance.

Need help?  Ask us at iueref@iue.edu!

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