Oxford Scholarship Online and the Prospective Print Pilot

Oxford Scholarship Online and the Prospective Print Pilot

Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) is a database that offers access to thousands of academic works from Oxford University Press. Since the fall of 2016, The IU East Campus Library has had access to certain subject modules in Oxford Scholarship Online, including Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Social Work, Sociology, Business and Management, Classical Studies, Economics and Finance, and History.

Starting February 2021, the IU East Campus Library, along with the other regional campus libraries, will be joining the Bloomington campus in participating in an Oxford Prospective Print Pilot through the Big Ten Academic Alliance Library Initiatives (BTAA). With this program, the BTAA receives one archival print copy of new titles within certain Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) subjects, with online access extended to BTAA participants. 

The print copies are housed at the University of Illinois, but thanks to this program, we will now have online access to all front list titles across all subjects published within OSO. This means that moving forward, we will have access to all new Oxford Scholarship Online books that are published monthly starting with the titles published in February of 2021. We do not get the records for these books until the 25th of each month, so full access to all of February’s books will be available by the end of the month. March’s books will be accessible by the last week of March, and so on.

We still have limited access to Oxford Scholarship Online, as we will not have access to all new books published pre-February 2021, unless they are a part of one of the modules we subscribe to. However, going forward the number of titles that we will be able to access online will only increase. OSO adds approximately 100 new books each month. If you are interested in viewing the titles that are available in Oxford Scholarship Online, you can view their full title list here.  Currently, the list only contains titles added since January 2021, but soon February’s title list will be included and those will be titles that we will have access to going forward.

If you want to explore what we have in Oxford Scholarship Online, you can access the database via the Campus Library’s A-Z Resource List. We do recommend that when you search or browse a category, you narrow your search results down to the following:

Narrowing your search down to the “unlocked,” “free,” or “open access” options will remove the titles that we do not have access to from your search, making it much easier to access what we do have.

If you need any assistance in searching this database or have any other research related questions, Just Ask Us! at iueref@iue.edu or simply click this button:

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