Celebrating Students – The Journal of Student Research at IU East

Celebrating Students – The Journal of Student Research at IU East

The Journal of Student Research at IU East (JSRIUE) is an open-access, digital journal that is composed of student work. The Journal showcases everything from class research papers, literature reviews, creative work, digital presentations, and more!

Why should I submit?

Students who submit and are accepted for publication in the Journal of Student Research at IU East achieve authorship in a high-quality, open-access journal. Scholars from around the globe will be able to see your work! This accomplishment looks great on a résumé or grad school application. JSRIUE is a digital publication, so you’ll also be able to share a link showcasing your work to friends and family.

What are some submission guidelines?

The Journal of Student Research at IU East only accepts submissions from current IU East students. Work must be original, ethical, and free from spelling and grammatical errors. Additionally, an instructor or faculty member will need to sign off as your faculty mentor for the work. More guidelines can be found on JSRIUE’s website.

Give me some tips for submitting!

Proofread! Also, don’t forget to check your citations (they should be in APA format). You can utilize the free IU East Writing Center (online or in-person) for help with citations and other writing needs.

How can instructors and faculty inspire students to submit?

The Journal of Student Research at IU East publishes work from all disciplines. Students can submit routine class research papers, PowerPoints, Student Research Day recorded presentations, and more! Instructors and faculty can encourage students to submit exceptional work, add the Journal information to syllabi, and/or post class announcements or emails during midterms or finals when students are likely working on research projects. JSRIUE is a wonderful component of IU East and strives to support student work and IUE academia.

For more information…

Visit Journal of Student Research at IU East’s website or contact the Journal Manager, Sue McFadden. Need help with research? Ask Us! iueref@iue.edu or simply click this button:

Blog by Emmy Price.

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