Interested in fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases? Then be sure to “like” us on the IU East Campus Library Facebook page. We provide updates on library resources and services, as well as special feature days of Wednesday Wisdom, Thinking Thursday, and Fake News Friday. If you have not visited the Facebook page lately, here are some highlights of databases from our A-Z Index and various libguides.

Taking a class in Education? Check out the Education in Videos database. This reliable resource has more than 1,650 hours of videos that provide the opportunity to observe behaviors that define effective teaching styles. Included are demonstrations, lectures, documentaries, and primary-source footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms.
Looking for data and statistics for K-12 schools and colleges/universities? The Department of Education collects data and oversees research on America’s schools and provides this information free to Congress, educators, and the general public. This website is searchable for various grants and also information on various laws such as FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).

Looking for archives on the study of Social History in the Modern Era? Discover the Mass Observation Online (MOO) database. It has original manuscripts and transcripts, print publications, photographs, and interactive features that document the everyday life of people in Britain from 1937 through the early 1970’s.
Uncover the inspiring voices of Native-Americans, African Americans, Women, the LGBT community, and other traditionally underrepresented groups in American history by exploring the March of Time database. With more than 440 videos, you can access rare and previously unpublished American History content.
“What fools these mortals be!” if they were to miss exploring the Shakespeare Collection database. Sayeth not so, but it truly be one of the most comprehensive online resources of full-text scholarly periodicals, reprinted criticisms, primary source material and the full-text annotated works from The Arden Shakespeare.
June is LGBTQ Pride Month. Check out the open-access digital collections held in the Independent Voices database. These databases contain alternative press newspapers, magazines, and journals produced by various groups and individuals including LGBT activists. More resources, curated and organized for ease of access, are in the Campus Library LGBTQ resource guide.

Three years before the Stonewall Riots, an early moment in the gay liberation movement occurred on April 21, 1966, in New York’s West Village. It was dubbed the “Sip-In.” Dick Leitsch, Craig Rodwell, and John Timmons entered Julius’ Bar, publicly identified themselves as gay, and demanded to be served. This challenged the unofficial but widespread practice of banning gay customers from bars. Learn more about the Sip-In and read the correspondences of Leitsch in the Archives of Sexuality and Gender database.
Wondering what publications will best serve your research needs? Check out the Cabell’s Whitelist database. The Cabell’s Whitelist is an independent, curated database of scholarly journals that guides researchers to over 11,000 journals across 18 academic disciplines. HeinOnline database has more than a million pages of multidisciplinary content from more than 100 subject areas, including history, political science, criminal justice, religious studies, international relations, women’s studies, pre-law, and many others.

This summer, challenge yourself to read more! Ebooks by EBSCO and Ebook Central provide access to 300,000+ ebooks, representing more than 50 subject areas that include health & medicine, history & political science, religion & philosophy, social sciences, and science & technology.

Subjects ranging from Jewish studies and Latin American studies to Gender, Sexuality, and Human Rights are some of the more than 1,500 humanities and social sciences monographs from the University of Michigan Press ebook collection.
Social Sciences
ProQuest Social Science database contains articles from over 570 journals from subjects ranging from Communication science, Demography, Economics, to Human services, Political science, Policy studies, and Sociology.

Do you need U.S. and International research support for topics across the full criminal justice spectrum, including law enforcement, corrections administration, drug enforcement, rehabilitation, family law, and industrial security? The Criminal Justices database provides access to over 600 journals and can be located via the A-Z index
These are just a few of the databases that we have to aid you in your academic searches. All of the databases listed here are available through the Campus Library’s A-Z Resource List. Do you have questions? Ask Us! or click here: