Library Know-how: Who’s who and how we can help

Library Know-how: Who’s who and how we can help

The mission of the IU East Campus Library is to provide resources and services that support the academic engagement and research of diverse participants in our teaching and learning community. The library website has been redesigned for optimal access to navigate a variety of reliable information resources to meet your academic needs. The helpful, knowledgeable library team is available to assist you online, in-person, or via phone. The IU East Campus Library Facebook page highlights resources, events, and services. Please “like” us!

Reference, Research, and Interlibrary Loan

Convenient online reference is available 24/7 via Ask us. Reference Coordinator Matt Dilworth can assist with both quick questions and in-depth research. Matt also manages Interlibrary Loan and can help you set up an account and process your requests. He authored a multidisciplinary guide to research, to help you master research in any subject area. Matt is library liaison to the School of Business and Economics.

Library instruction and resource guides

Assistant Librarian KT Lowe provides in-person and remote library instruction. She is library liaison for the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Social Work, Office of Student Success, and adjunct faculty. KT’s research and teaching focuses on social information practices, misinformation and digital literacy.

Electronic resources

Assistant Librarian Beth South manages all e-resources, including databases, e-books, streaming media, and Open Education Resources. Faculty can contact Beth to discuss zero-cost textbook (z-text) options.

Student and faculty research

Students can submit their research for publication in the Journal of Student Research and IUScholarWorks – East Student Collection and faculty research can be included in the IU Scholarly repository. Associate Librarian Sue McFadden can facilitate that process. The Journal of Student Research at Indiana University East (JSRIUE) selectively publishes the accomplishments of dedicated undergraduate and graduate students’ research, scholarship, & creative activity. Sue is also the liaison for the School of Natural Science and Mathematics and the School of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Circulation, Facilities, and Archives

Coordinator of User Services Jesse Whitton can assist you with checking out materials, reserving library space, and textbook and DVDs on reserve at the library service desk. Jesse is also the IU East Campus Archivist and provides assistance with questions related to the history of IU East.

Library partnerships with campus and community

Library Director Frances Yates is the primary contact for collaboration with the Library and our community partners. If you have an idea for a special project to engage IU East students with local K-12 youth, we would love to connect with you. We also partner with campus departments for special programs and some support may be available through our IU Foundation library fund.

Quick links to Campus Library services and resources:


Interlibrary loan:

Library instruction request:

Updates on library resources, services, events:

Weekly themed content: – (faculty and student guest bloggers are welcome to share your research!)

Library people

Summary of roles:

Reference, ILL – Matt Dilworth

E-resources (databases, e-books, streaming media) open access and OER – Beth South

Library instruction, including critical evaluation of sources and fake news  – KT Lowe

Subject liaisons – contact individuals listed here  or

Circulation, library space reservations, textbook reserves – Jesse Whitton

Faculty research – IU Scholarworks research repository

Student research journal – Sue McFadden  

Special programs and partnerships –

One-click access for your research needs!


Want to get started with research in your discipline?

Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Indiana University East Campus Library recognizes the value of all individuals, and strives to engage and include the full diversity of the IU East community without regard for any personal characteristic, belief, experience, or learning style. The library will champion equitable access to information and tear down barriers to learning while fostering an environment of inclusivity, mutual support, and understanding that highlights the richness and contributions made by every individual.

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