A recent redesign gave the library website a new look, but the things you expect to find from the previous iteration are still there.
On the left side is a short menu – Research Support includes basic information about who to contact, Borrowing from the IU East Library includes the library’s policies and procedures, and Faculty Resources includes everything unique to a professor’s needs – links for requesting classroom instruction or custom library guides, forms for putting course material on reserve, and forms for proposing a new course. On the right is basic contact information, an Ask Us link to send in your questions, and a link to the library’s blog.
The center of the screen is where most of the high-use links are, arranged for easy access. Under the brief description of the library are a series of hotlinks to major sources, like ProQuest (the ones for IUCAT and the EBSCO Discovery Service pull you further down the page).
Next is a drop-down menu of major sources. Many of these used to be laid out in a grid, for those familiar with the old design. This includes a listing of all of our databases and links to extremely popular databases like Credo Reference, JSTOR, Opposing Viewpoints, and Wiley. The Find-It link lets you search for journals by title (such as the New York Times or Wall Street Journal) to see which databases have it and for what dates. Links to lower-use resources that used to be included here, such as the Palladium-Item or WorldCat, are still available on the complete A-Z list of databases.
Next is the ready-search blanks. The one on the left is the library’s catalog, IUCAT – search here for books, e-books, multimedia like DVDs or streaming movies, and other full items. The one on the right is the EBSCO Discovery Service (here listed as ‘Search EBSCO – articles’), a meta-search which covers the contents many of our databases simultaneously. Use this to find individual articles or chapters within larger works like journals or newspapers. It does also index full books and streaming media, but is far more powerful in finding articles. Both allow you to put a few limits on what you’re searching for, but if you forget, you’ll be able to do that on the next screen when your results pop up. Typically, when you start your research, you will use these two search blanks. If any of these links ask you to log in, you will use your standard IU username and passphrase.
Next are several drop-down links with information about interlibrary loan. If the library doesn’t have a book or article you need, you can request it here. This is the one account that doesn’t automatically use your IU username; you can use that or a personal email if you would prefer. There can be a wide variety of response times, depending on what library we can find to lend us the material, but articles typically come in a few days while books come within two weeks. More interlibrary loan policies can be found here.
Then, there is information and contact information for all of the library’s staff. Brief descriptions of staff roles are included, as well as telephone and email links. If you do not know who to contact, using a general email like iueref@iue.edu will get your message to the appropriate person.
Here is the full layout of the new website, along with where to click for every major library need. We’re here to help you succeed and have a great semester, with all of the amazing tools you’ve come to expect from your Campus Library!