The IU East Campus Library welcomes the Class of 2026 and all returning students! Recently the library website was redesigned and you can find help tips on navigating the site here. Be sure to like the IU East Campus Library Facebook page for updates on library resources and services as well as special resource feature days like Wednesday Wisdom, Thinking Thursday, and Fake News Friday. Unsure which resources might best fit your research needs? How to Master Research provides tips and tricks for effective searching in all disciplines. Below are resource highlights from multiple disciplines that are sure to be helpful this semester.
Search thousands of private equity and venture capital deals by hundreds of criteria such as locations, industry types, companies, and more. Use PitchBook to establish benchmarks, find real-time data on deals, identify and analyze comparables, and search investor details. PitchBook* will need an initial account set up with email on a campus workstation. Thereafter, it is available on campus and off campus with authorized login.

Interested in finding information about a whole industry, such as aerospace, telecom, IT, financial services, and consumer goods? MarketLine Advantage provides access to over 4 million intelligence and interactive reports from more than 100,000 companies.

Taking a class in Education? Check out the Education in Videos database. This reliable resource has more than 1,650 hours of videos that provide the opportunity to observe behaviors that define effective teaching styles. Included are demonstrations, lectures, documentaries, and primary-source footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms.
Looking for data and statistics for K-12 schools and colleges/universities? The Department of Education collects data and oversees research on America’s schools and provides this information free to Congress, educators, and the general public. This website is searchable for various grants and also information on various laws such as FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).
Humanities and Social Sciences

The Black Studies Periodicals database covers an array of humanities-related disciplines including art, cultural criticism, economics, education, health, history, language and literature, law, philosophy, politics, religion, and sociology.
Uncover the inspiring voices of Native-Americans, African Americans, Women, the LGBT community, and other traditionally underrepresented groups in American History by perusing the March of Time database which has more than 440 videos that allow you to discover rare and previously unpublished American History content.

Looking for U.S. women’s history resources from 1600-2000? The Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 database contains over 4,800 publications including 130 document projects and teaching strategies ranging from agriculture and anthropology to transportation and war. The experiences of Eliza Abbott, Christina Kallstrom, Clara Yeakel, and 1,322 other women can be found among the 145,000+ pages of diaries, letters, and biographies in the North American Women’s Letters and Diaries database.
Starting research on a nursing or medical topic, but unsure where to begin? Library resources can help! CINAHL provides full text access to more than 770 journals for nursing and allied health. MedLine: OVID provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more from over 4,800 biomedical journals.

Health & Medicine searches through a total of 14 health related databases, like Family Health database, GenderWatch, Nursing & Allied Health, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, Psychology Database, and more to provide diverse and comprehensive search results.
Science and Mathematics
Start your scientific research today with the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) which contains over 13,000 videos of laboratory methods and science concepts ranging from biological and medical to chemical and physical research. Celebrate the value of chemistry in everyday life by utilizing the ChemSpider database. It provides open access to more than 100 million structures, properties, and associated information including physicochemical properties, interactive spectra, and literature references.

You don’t have to move a mountain to learn about Geology. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) database provides access to geological studies, society publications from 1917-present, and past conference presentations. Explore the ever-changing world of computer science by researching topics like Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and Game Theory, Emerging Technologies, and more in the Computing Research Repository (CoRR) database. With over 80,000 new items added each year, the MathSciNet provides access to reviews, abstracts, and bibliographic information for mathematical and scientific literature.
The IU East campus Library is here for all of your research needs. Just ASK US! or click this button: