Faculty resources at the library

Faculty resources at the library

The IU East Campus Library supports the entire IU East community – students, staff and faculty.  While many of the library’s resources focus on topics of broad interest to everyone on campus, they also include materials specifically for faculty.

Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle of Higher Education (CHE) is a weekly publication founded in 1966 and dedicated to keeping college educators up to date on the latest trends in the field.  The library subscription includes the ability to peruse current and previous articles as far back as 1988, plus access to the job board.  As a frontline resource for academics and educators, CHE is well respected for its in-depth coverage of issues that matter like retention, burnout and academic freedom.


The US Department of Education maintains ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), which includes academic articles of use for instructors from all levels of education, from prekindergarten to graduate school.  Unlike Chronicle of Higher Education, which focuses on news stories and is laid out like a periodical, ERIC is a full-fledged database, with research tools like built-in date limiters, descriptive keywords and intended audience selections.  ERIC is also an academic database, which means the articles are peer reviewed and appropriate for a number of purposes. 


The Institute of Education Sciences, while indexed by ERIC, also contains information well worth seeking out.  For instance, the What Works Clearinghouse provides reports and data on effective teaching practices, along with information on best practices and a series of handbooks on improving teaching methods.  IES also hosts the National Center for Education Statistics, which provides the latest available data on enrollment trends, student employment after college and numerous other reports on student success. 

In addition to these targeted databases, the library also provides a number of multi-subject databases suitable for a variety of research purposes, including EBSCO, ProQuest and JSTOR.  Want to know more about databases targeted to higher education concerns?  Thinking about how the library can help with other research projects, for students, staff or faculty?  Intrigued by the sheer number of resources the library has?  Ask Us! iueref@iue.edu or click this button:

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