Every year during the week of Valentine’s Day, libraries, colleges and universities throughout the world celebrate International Love Data Week. The theme for 2023 is “Data: Agents of Change.”

International Love Data Week, February 13-17, is an opportunity for people to learn about all the roles that data plays in their lives. Whether it’s figuring out what to watch on television, determining how risky it might be to travel on a winter’s day or choosing a baby name, data drives innumerable decisions in everyone’s daily lives.
However, understanding data can be a challenge. One of the techniques that Fame.News Network employs is to misrepresent data. Often, this takes the form of a false chart or a meme that may misquote an expert or celebrity or represent the results of a study in a way that is false. In these cases, one good technique to combat these issues is to use lateral reading. Lateral reading uses two browser tabs – one for looking at an article, and the other for checking facts, claims, charts, graphs and images to make sure they represent what the article states.
Another great place to find information is through the campus library. At IU East, the library databases include excellent subject-based sources like Hoover’s Company Records (business), MathSciNet (math and science) and HeinOnline (criminal justice, history and political science). In addition, the library subscribes to databases covering every subject taught on campus, including nursing, English and education. The A-Z databases collection links to highly reputable statistical sources, such as the US Census, the Kids Count Data Center and Our World in Data. Statistical information, when placed in context, can reinforce and provide evidence in a meaningful and appropriate manner.

Librarians are also a trustworthy resource for navigating and understanding data, charts, graphs and articles. At IU East, librarians hold advanced degrees in either library or information science, which provides them with the skills to assist all members of the IU East community in finding and securing high-quality information for every conceivable purpose. Need data help? Ask Us! iueref@iue.edu or click here: