The IU East Campus Library Diversity Statement is more than words on a website. We strive to adhere to the spirit as well as daily actions for what it represents.
“The Indiana University East Campus Library recognizes the value of all individuals and strives to engage and include the full diversity of the IU East community without regard for any personal characteristic, belief, experience, or learning style. The library will champion equitable access to information and tear down barriers to learning while fostering an environment of inclusivity, mutual support, and understanding that highlights the richness and contributions made by every individual.”
The Campus Library team proactively supports diversity, equity, and inclusion through intentional collection development of research and educational resources that reflect multiple perspectives. We help enhance awareness and understanding of DEI topics and issues via instruction in the use of a variety of multidisciplinary databases, journals, books, films and digital archives. The Library highlights campus and community partnerships that celebrate DEI through interactive, multicultural programs such as community reading, writing and arts events; film and discussion series; and lunch and learn sessions.

All are welcome at the IU East DEI Coalition meeting on Sept. 25 at noon. Join us in the Community Engagement Commons in the Campus Library. IU East Chief Diversity Office Yemi Mahoney noted, “At IU East we are committed to promoting a welcoming environment for people from all backgrounds. We are looking forward to an exciting lineup of programs this fall that will open doors to new perspectives, foster understanding, and facilitate inclusivity.” To learn more about diversity, equity and inclusion events and initiatives, contact Yemi at
To celebrate Hispanic Heritage month by enriching your cultural knowledge, the Campus Library provides a multitude of resources.

Some titles include Amores Perros, Al Otro Lado, Como Agua Para Chocolate, Hable Con Ella, La Misma Luna, or Lengua de las Mariposas

Some titles include Latino/a Popular Culture by Michelle Habell-Pallan, ¡Muy Pop! Conversations on Latino Popular Culture by Frederick Luis Aldama, La Sociedad: Guardians of Hispanic Culture Along the Río Grande by José A. Rivera, Changes, Conflicts and Ideologies in Contemporary Hispanic Culture by Teresa Fernández-Ulloa, Imagination Beyond Nation: Latin American Popular Culture by Eva Bueno, or Latin American Popular Culture since Independence: An Introduction by William H. Beezley

Some databases include Latin American Women Writers, Latino Literature: Poetry, Drama, and Fiction, or Feminism in Cuba, which offer a variety of writings, essays, historical, and primary source material.
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