Excited to explore an array of trusted resources and dependable databases? Be sure to hit that ‘Like’ button on the IU East Campus Library’s Facebook page! We regularly feature highlights from our A-Z index, and here are some of our recent favorites.
In search of comprehensive reports on current and trending issues? Look no further than the CQ Researcher database, providing in-depth analyses across a wide spectrum of topics, from impartial coverage of health and social trends to criminal justice, international affairs, education, technology, the economy, and more. Additionally, Ebook Central provides access to a vast library of over 220,000 ebooks across 50 subject areas, including health & medicine, history & political science, religion & philosophy, social sciences, and science & technology.
Interested in finding information about a whole industry, such as aerospace, telecom, IT, financial services, and consumer goods? MarketLine Advantage provides access to over 4 million intelligence and interactive reports from more than 100,000 companies.
A New Database! We now have access to the daily British newspaper Financial Times, which covers topics such as global finance, economics, industry, energy, and international politics. For access, email liblearn@iue.edu.
Humanities and Social Sciences

Explore issues and events in contemporary Latin American and Caribbean history in the Archives of Latin American and Caribbean History database. This database provides information about the indigenous peoples of the region, the Conquest (la Conquista), colonial rule, religion, struggles for independence, and political, economic, and social progress and issues in newly independent nations from the 15th to the 20th century.

Searching for 19th-century research materials from a vast range of sources, including books, periodicals, archives, and newspapers? The C19: Nineteenth Century Index has over 25 million records. Looking for facsimile images of literary manuscripts, including letters and diaries, drafts of poems, plays, novels, and other literary works from British authors? The British Literacy Manuscripts Online database provides manuscripts from Medieval texts to the works of Oscar Wilde and spans from roughly from the years 1120 to 1900
Looking for articles or books related to your area of research? The database ComAbstract contains over 100,000 article abstracts, books, bibliographic records, and other sources of relevance related to human communication studies such as mass communication, human interaction, rhetoric, health communication, communication and news media, journalism, communication history, and more
From everyday interests, such as sport and fashion, to covering key events, such as First World War, the Suffragette Movement, and the establishment of the Irish Free State, The British Newsreels, 1911-1930: Culture and Society on Film database provides glimpses into the early twentieth century via newsreels produced by Topical Film Company. Documentaries, news clips, and interviews are research resources readily available in the AVON (Academic Video Online) database. Avon includes video collections such as Meet the Press, American History in Video, Ethnographic Video Online, Nursing Education in Video, Food Studies Online, World Newsreel Online, and many more.
Want a glimpse into the lives of late Victorians and Edwardians captured on film? View works by some of Europe’s earliest film pioneers and innovators, such as Alice Guy Blanch, the first female filmmaker in the Victorians on Film database. Gish, Pickford, and Swanson were iconic actresses during the silent film era. Now, you can experience their timeless performances by delving into the Silent Film Online database, which offers a wide array of films spanning different eras and regions, showcasing both well-known and lesser-known actors and actresses of their time.
Science and Mathematics
Start your scientific research today with the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) which contains over 13,000 videos of laboratory methods and science concepts ranging from biological and medical to chemical and physical research. Celebrate the value of chemistry in everyday life by utilizing the ChemSpider database. It provides open access to more than 100 million structures, properties, and associated information including physicochemical properties, interactive spectra, and literature references.
You don’t have to move a mountain to learn about Geology. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) database provides access to geological studies, society publications from 1917-present, and past conference presentations. Explore the ever-changing world of computer science by researching topics like Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and Game Theory, Emerging Technologies, and more in the Computing Research Repository (CoRR) database. With over 80,000 new items added each year, the MathSciNet provides access to reviews, abstracts, and bibliographic information for mathematical and scientific literature.
These are just a few of the topics featured on the IU East Campus Library Facebook page. Interested in learning more? Ask Us! iueref@iue.edu or simply click this button: