Author Archives: fyates

Author Archives: fyates

Early College + IU East Campus Library = Career Quest!

Early College + IU East Campus Library = Career Quest!

What do athletic trainer, musician, video game artist, pediatrician, forensic science technician, mathematician, emergency medical technician, veterinarian, computer hardware engineer, multimedia artist, and administrative services manager have in common? They are all career possibilities explored by 7th graders as part of a career quest program facilitated by a partnership among Early College at the Richmond Schools, Ivy Tech, and the IU Campus East Library. Jackie Schlichte (Early College Director), Latrisha Jackson (Early College instructor and IU East graduate student), and Heidi Huff (IU East Library Instruction Coordinator) worked with 7th graders throughout the Spring semester to develop their research skills and focus on targeted information to help them make informed decisions about potential career choices. The culminating project was a … Continued
Interfaith Understanding

Interfaith Understanding

What do Tu B’shvat, Magha Puja, and Naw-Ruz have in common?  They are all upcoming events in IU East’s Interfaith Initiative that is part of President Obama’s Campus Challenge to build understanding among diverse communities. These celebrations highlight some traditions in the Jewish, Buddhist, and Baha’I faiths. The IU East Campus Library, like libraries throughout the world, is committed to proactively providing diverse resources and supporting programs that inform and enlighten participants about various faiths and cultures.  We have gathered some resources in this library guide: to highlight specific interfaith celebrations. We also feature multicultural and diversity resources in these guides: If you are an IU East student or faculty member who perceives … Continued
Coming Out!

Coming Out!

October 11 is National Coming Out Day.  This celebration was founded in 1988, just one year after the 1987 Second National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights.  By marching on Washington the LGBT community and allies were hoping to establish the following:  legal recognition of gay and lesbian relationships; an increase in funding for AIDS research, education, and care; and an end to discrimination of people with HIV and AIDS, amongst many other agenda items.  All of October is observed as LGBT History Month, and starting October 17th the library will be recognizing this with a display on prominent LGBT literary figures like Virginia Woolf, Langston Hughes, and Maurice Sendak.    To help you explore the topic we … Continued
Ask us!

Ask us!

Welcome back students! As the Fall semester quickly approaches, it’s helpful to know who to ask for what at your Campus Library.  All library staff have service as a top priority and we aim to do everything we can to help students be academically successful. So ask us…hopefully you’ll be glad you did!   Need to check out a book or film, whether from the stacks or on reserve, or schedule a room or get something from the Archives? Mandi Moning is our Coordinator of User Services and Archives.  Mandi just celebrated her one year anniversary with IU East.  She earned her undergraduate degree at Miami University and dual Masters in History and Library Science from New York.  You can … Continued
Interns: Involvement and Empowerment!

Interns: Involvement and Empowerment!

Want to use your talents and interests while also learning new skills and receiving un-ending gratitude? Think about being a library intern!  An internship is a mutually beneficial arrangement.  The undergraduate or graduate student can: learn new skills helpful for future employment use unique talents and strengths to make a lasting contribution to the Campus increase professional contacts enhance a resume experience personal and professional growth meet interesting people In the past two years the Campus Library has hosted five interns, with a sixth starting for Fall 2011. Each intern has had a significant impact on library resources or services. Thanks to these interns, the Library is improved and enhanced in many ways, such as: Debra White developed an easy-to-manage … Continued