Author Archives: fyates

Author Archives: fyates

Mandi Moning joins campus library staff

Mandi Moning joins campus library staff

Please join me in welcoming Mandi Moning to our campus library staff. She begins her position as Coordinator of User Services and Library Operations on August 16.  Mandi earned her BA in history at Miami University (OH) and a dual Masters in Library Science and History at State University of New York at Albany in 2009. Her job duties will include circulation, statistics, and archives, with a focus on total customer service. Mandi has worked in circulation, reference services and archives at libraries in Ohio and NY.  Most recently she worked at the Schenectady County Historical Society and the Bethlehem Public Library. She has served as President of the Student Chapter of the Society of American Archivists and she researched, … Continued
Simply reading…

Simply reading…

“Thank you for letting us use the library…I had a fun time because I love reading…Your books are cool…I read some books that I have never read…I learned some new words…I love going to the library…I love reading…My favorite book was Let’s Do Nothing. I also liked Freckle Juice. My favorite author is Judy Blume. I got Wizard of Oz and Planet Earth. It was a fun time…We had a good time at the library…When I go to IU East I will go to the library every day.” The content of thank you notes from young students reinforced what library staff intuitively know – reading is good. For two weeks in July the IU East Campus library was a daily … Continued
Hot time for reading – even Fahrenheit 451*

Hot time for reading – even Fahrenheit 451*

It’s 89 degrees Fahrenheit today and Spring has suddenly become Summer, despite the calendar indicating otherwise. Even though it seems this season isn’t as leisurely as in bygone years, I hope all of you will make time to read for pleasure in the next few weeks. I’m tempted to catch up on my professional reading, especially the e-newsletters that flood my Inbox in a never-ending deluge of timely information (that obviously becomes less urgent as time goes by). But just as I am determined to complete more steps each week as an enthusiastic member of the new IU East Walking Club, I am resolved to read one book for pleasure each week. I’m starting this week with The Frozen Rabbi … Continued
What should I do with my life?!?

What should I do with my life?!?

When I was 15 years old (eons ago!) I got a job shelving books at the local public library.  Monday through Thursday I would walk 20 minutes to the library after school, eat the snack my mom packed, shelve books from 4-6 pm, walk home for dinner, then do homework from 7:30-9 pm. On Saturdays I would bike to work, shelve books from 9 am – 1 pm, go home for lunch, and then do the stuff teens did in the mid-1970s (I already admitted it was eons ago so now you know!). The fact is, although I revel in variety, I relished this routine. The library was a safe haven where my co-workers valued me, there was a revolving … Continued
Murder Mystery on April 17th

Murder Mystery on April 17th

Dying to get to the library?…. ….You could be if you buy a ticket for our April 17th “Murder in the Stacks” mystery lunch (the menu isn’t a mystery, but who dies and who did it is). The time is 1923, the place is the library, and the suspects are the entire library staff and all the lunch guests. This library intrigue is hosted by the IU East Friends of the Library and the Drama and Humanities Clubs. It costs $20, which includes a three-course lunch, and proceeds will help fund students to attend the Shakespeare Festival trip.  Seating is exclusive for 40 guests so reserve your ticket now! You can purchase a ticket through Juli at the library, or … Continued