Author Archives: fyates

Author Archives: fyates



Snowbound, what to do now?  Read an actual, physical book! Imagine there is a snowstorm and electricity is out…but you have one of those “snuggles” blankies so you’re not worried about the cold.  Also, you were prepared enough to have batteries in a big flashlight, so you’re all set to ….read a book! As library director, I am surrounded daily by books, and I teach a course at IU East focused on children’s books, and I really DO read books…but sometimes it takes a weather-enforced break to do the proverbial curling up with a good book (and in my case, also with a good cat).  Norah the cat actually appreciated this book because it featured a very clever cat like … Continued
Blog On!

Blog On!

Welcome to the new blog for your Campus Library! Because libraries contain a wealth of diverse perspectives on a variety of topics it seems fitting to have many perspectives and ideas represented in this blog. Therefore, writing our weekly blog entries will be rotated among our seven (lucky 7!) library staff members. I might also ask some avid campus library users to blog for us occasionally, just to mix-it-up a bit. We may feature a reflection on some interesting reading or media, an introduction to new or unique resources, or anecdotes about how information was used personally or professionally. As the Library Director at Indiana University East it is my pleasure to start the blog rolling. Although I have journaled, … Continued