Author Archives: mdilwort

Author Archives: mdilwort

Publish Open Access with Cambridge University Press

Publish Open Access with Cambridge University Press

The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA), in which Indiana University is a part of, and Cambridge University Press (CUP) have agreed on a new 3-year Read and Publish license deal (2024-2026) for CUP journals. This deal includes: Reading: Access to all CUP journals (over 400) at a price similar to or slightly higher than what campuses were paying for fewer journals. This includes permanent access to journal content published during the agreement period. Publishing: No fees for authors from your campuses to publish open access research articles in CUP’s gold OA and hybrid journals. There are no limits on this. This agreement not only benefits participating campuses immediately but also supports a fairer scholarly system. Articles published under this deal will be … Continued
Get Ahead with IU East Campus Library: Top Resources and Events Await!

Get Ahead with IU East Campus Library: Top Resources and Events Await!

Hit the ‘Like’ button on the IU East Campus Library’s Facebook page and be sure to follow the new  IU East Campus Library Instagram page for up to date resources and events highlights! SAVE THE DATE! Mark your calendars! Join Assistant Librarian for Instruction and Outreach, KT Lowe, on February 5 at 12:30 PM in the library. Learn how to identify high-quality news resources and spot fake news in this informative session. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to enhance your research skills! As always, reach out to your IU East Campus Library team for assistance with all your research needs. Email us at In the meantime, here are some of our top picks for getting your research … Continued
Popeye Belongs to All of Us

Popeye Belongs to All of Us

On January 1st each year, Public Domain Day, new materials fall out of copyright and become free to use and adapt for anyone, without needing to clear rights or pay royalties.  These include audio recordings first copyrighted in 1924, and books, films, plays, musical compositions, artwork, and characters copyrighted in 1929.  In recent years, these have included the original iterations of Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse, who have featured in a plethora of new marketable for-profit works; most notoriously low-budget horror films. This year, books like William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury have now become free to use, adapt, and sell, as well as Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms, Agatha Christie’s ninth novel, The Seven Dials Mystery … Continued
Here’s the (Lib)Key to Quick Article Access

Here’s the (Lib)Key to Quick Article Access

The IU East Campus Library subscribes to an excellent service that brings students and faculty straight to the articles they want by providing instant access and eliminating paywalls. LibKey is a suite of tools that help researchers locate and view research articles with fewer clicks. There are three LibKey features that IU East researchers can take advantage of: LibKey Nomad,, and BrowZine. LibKey Nomad LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that you can add to any of your favorite browsers that will help you locate and access articles when searching websites outside of the library databases, such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Wikipedia, and more, potentially bypassing paywalls, broken links, or other access barriers. It’s very easy to do. Go … Continued
New year, new habits: How to make the best of 2025 on campus

New year, new habits: How to make the best of 2025 on campus

It’s a whole new semester and the start of a new year.  Why not take advantage of all this newness and do some new things on campus?  There’s many opportunities to engage with other students, find new places to study and take in some of the work that your fellow students and community members have done. Join a student organization There are student organizations to meet every interest.  If you’re interested in helping animals and the environment, the Animals and Earth Club meets regularly and hosts events throughout the term.  If public service is more aligned with your interests, check out the Circle K International or the Center for Service-Learning for a chance to give back to the community.  Other … Continued