Author Archives: mdilwort

Author Archives: mdilwort

National Day on Writing

National Day on Writing

National Day on Writing is a large-scale event dedicated to recognizing the role of writing in our daily lives.  Established by the National Council of Teachers of English, National Day on Writing celebrates writing in all its forms and for all its purposes.  IU East has been hosting events and activities related to National Day on Writing since 2013.  This year’s activities promise to be rewarding and thought provoking, as the campus shares perspectives on writing and invites a pair of speakers to highlight the importance of writing in difficult times. Kelly Blewett, director of the writing program at IU East, shared her passion for teaching writing, in an interview with IU East instruction librarian KT Lowe. Blewett noted that … Continued
Electronic Records: Preserve to protect

Electronic Records: Preserve to protect

Electronic records are a major part of our personal and professional lives, from the creative and academic work we publish online via journals, blogs, and social media platforms to the meeting minutes and published policies of individual groups, committees, and organizations. The majority of work is now online and we need to act in order to preserve it, the same as for physical materials. There is even an official day to recognize the importance of electronic records – Electronic Records Day, celebrated annually in October. This is a day dedicated to raising awareness among the general public, government agencies, and public institutions on the importance of preserving electronic records. Archivist Beth South is currently working on several initiatives to preserve … Continued
Celebrating family history

Celebrating family history

The U.S. Senate passed a resolution in 2001 to establish October as Family History Month. In the FamilySearch blog “Why We Need Family History Now More Than Ever” Rachel Coleman explains that “Knowing our cultural background and where we came from can help us develop a strong sense of who we really are. The way we relate to our family stories and create our own narratives about ourselves helps establish our unique, authentic core identity.” She also discusses the benefits of family history sharing in terms of connection, resilience, selflessness and self-worth. is the largest free genealogical database in the world, containing more than 3 billion names. In addition to research, they offer an option to create a free … Continued
The World of Art

The World of Art

The Indiana University East Campus Library always welcomes classes in the Library. We were delighted that art faculty Sam Kelly brought his Painting and Drawing class for a “Drawing in the Library Day.” To gain a deeper knowledge of artists and their works, students perused library resources such as G. Braque, Refigured painting, American images, and more. After selecting an artist, students sat down to begin their assignment of making master transcriptions of artists’ works. For online resources, check out the Grove Dictionary of Art, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, or search our eBook collection here.  Below are some of the masterpieces that Sam Kell’s students created, using graphite pencils and sketchbooks to draw. Top Row (L-R): After Chagall … Continued
Higher Testing

Higher Testing

Testing is a vital part of the educational process; verifying the mastery of skills needed to proceed.  Undergraduates have typically taken many tests on the way to becoming or earning advance credit as a student, including the SAT, ACT, or CLEP tests.  For those students who move beyond a Bachelor’s degree, there are other, more advanced tests required. Those interested in specialized graduate study are generally acutely aware of the requirements and expectations of their desired field, and tailor their undergraduate experience to prepare them for it – often referred to colloquially by phrases such as being on a ‘pre-law’ or ‘pre-med’ or ‘pre-business’ track, although what that entails can be quite informal.  For example, someone aspiring to be a … Continued