Author Archives: mdilwort

Author Archives: mdilwort

Protest Art and Music

Protest Art and Music

Protest as an expression for change can take many forms, from physical to economic to artistic.  Art and music have a rich history of conveying protest messages in unique and creative ways. Art A Brief History of Protest Art looks at artists from the Dadaists to Guerrilla Girls, and others viewed as “the most politically impactful artists of the last century.” An Incomplete History of Protest: Selections from the Whitney’s Collection, 1940–2017, includes themes such as Resistance and Refusal; Strike, Boycott, Advocate; Stop the War; and Abuse of Power. Art Responds to Women’s Suffrage: Pro and Con features American and British women cartoonists whose political art in that time period represented varied views of the issues. Articles accessible via the … Continued
All In Color For Free

All In Color For Free

While comics today are often primarily associated with the superhero stories that provide fodder for blockbuster movies, they are and have been a much more diverse body of literature, and one worthy of study.  A mainstay of childhood and young adult reading, comics have incorporated many genres, including action, humor, romance, crime, horror, drama, science fiction, and fantasy.  There is also a strong subversive movement, largely aimed at adults, of ‘underground’ work that uses the medium in innovative ways. A database dedicated to this art form, Underground and Independent Comics focuses on those outside the mainstream, from the lurid 1950s horror and crime comics which prompted the restrictive Comics Code to cheekily irreverent like R. Crumb’s Zap Comix to much more … Continued
A Month of Pride

A Month of Pride

June is the 50th anniversary of National LGBTQ Pride Month, originally organized by the ‘Mother of Pride’ Brenda Howard, who first scheduled it in 1970 to commemorate the Stonewall demonstrations the previous year.  While it is painful this year to have so many public celebrations of LGBTQ identity curtailed or cancelled for health reasons, a movement so dedicated to the incredible diversity in how people come together and love each other cannot truly be kept apart. The library offers many digital resources to inform and educate us all about sexual identity, from videos to books to databases and other educational materials.  Our Libguide is a great place to start, and databases like Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and … Continued
Resources to Support an Everyday Approach to Fighting Racism

Resources to Support an Everyday Approach to Fighting Racism

“When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”  This deeply racist phrase reentered the public conscience last week after a series of protests surrounding the tragic and brutal death of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. The phrase dates to 1967, when Miami, FL police chief Walter Headley used it as part of a series of instructions to the police force in his city.  Its return is unwelcome, and yet understanding why it was said and what makes it racist can help all of us start a meaningful conversation on race and racism.  Here are a host of resources to help you learn about, cope with and combat the events of the past week. First, it is helpful to know that racism … Continued
Do you Like us?

Do you Like us?

Interested in fascinating facts, reliable resources, and delightful databases? Then be sure to “like” us on the IU East Campus Library Facebook page. We provide updates on library resources and services, as well as special feature days of Wednesday Wisdom, Thinking Thursday, and Fake News Friday. If you haven’t already, head on over to the IU East Campus Library Facebook page and LIKE us! If you have not visited the Facebook page lately, here are some highlights of databases from our A-Z Index and various libguides. Education Taking a class in Education? Check out the Education in Videos database. This reliable resource has more than 1,650 hours of videos that provide the opportunity to observe behaviors that define effective teaching … Continued