Author Archives: mdilwort

Author Archives: mdilwort

Uncovering the Past: Creating Digital Timelines for the Lives of Amazing Women from History

Uncovering the Past: Creating Digital Timelines for the Lives of Amazing Women from History

Over the past few months, I have developed several interactive digital timelines for the Women of Valor: Interfaith Actions for Social Justice project. These women were some of the many featured in the 2017 Herstory Camp. Click the links of the various women below, organized by their activism and time period, for more information on their lives, advocacy, and work. Countless women were important advocates for equal education and abolition during the mid-19th century. African-American women in particular, both freed and enslaved, fought for their rights but were often lost to written history. As one of the few African-Americans of the time born into freedom, Sarah Mapps Douglass advocated for abolition and equitable access to education. She introduced medical training … Continued
Combatting Relationship Violence

Combatting Relationship Violence

The week of October 22nd IU will be participating with thousands of other colleges and universities in It’s On Us, a national initiative to bring an end to college sexual assault.  It’s On Us focuses on the positive duty all of us, particularly men, have to combat sexual assault – not just stepping in and intervening if we see it about to happen, but also to contribute to an environment where everyone knows it is unacceptable and survivors are supported, heard, and cared for. Events on campus occur throughout the week – Monday includes a ‘pledge’ drive where you can take a vow to be a catalyst for change (and get a t-shirt, which you are encouraged to wear that … Continued
To the monster that started it all: Frankenstein

To the monster that started it all: Frankenstein

There is no monster more iconic, perhaps, than Frankenstein’s monster. This year marks the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley’s classic novel and the IU East Campus Library currently has lots of Frankenstein and Mary Shelley related resources on display and all available for checkout. If you’re looking for some spooky reads to get you through the Halloween season, we have several different versions of Frankenstein in graphic novel form, including Victor LaValle’s Destroyer No. 1, which is a modern update of the Frankenstein story that reflects today’s current events in the United States. However, if you want to read a graphic novel that stays the most true to Shelley’s original text, then Gris Grimbly’s Frankenstein is the book for you. … Continued
One Book 2018 – This Far by Faith

One Book 2018 – This Far by Faith

This year’s One Book Day is Wednesday, October 24th.  The featured book, This Far by Faith, discusses a wide range of social and health-related issues in Detroit, such as poverty, joblessness, mental illness and homelessness.  The Reverend Faith Fowler, pastor of the Cass Community United Methodist Church, wrote This Far by Faith to humanize the people who use the services offered by the Cass Community Church and its associated services.  To celebrate This Far by Faith, IU East has scheduled an entire day of events coinciding with the book’s themes. A summary of events, and resource information is in the One Book 2018 libguide. 11:00 – Community Room Film: The Last Days of Chinatown Artist, filmmaker and Cass Corridor resident … Continued
Women of IU Conference August 8, 2018

Women of IU Conference August 8, 2018

The Women of IU Conference offered an opportunity to learn, share, and network. The goal for equality of males and females necessitates social, legal, and practical changes. The recent #METOO movement offers a renewed approach for improvement, for conversations, for expressions of pent-up feelings of frustration at the still unequal world. The Women of IU Conference offered a way to rethink and consider new avenues of action, good ideas for mentoring relationships, wise women’s words, and positive reinforcement. The conference keynote speakers and break-out sessions online presentations and messages provide access to a broader audience to experience the shared ideas. The First Lady of IU, Laurie Burns McRobbie, opened and welcomed all attendees and then introduced President Michael McRobbie. The … Continued