Author Archives: mdilwort

Author Archives: mdilwort

GLBT Book Month

GLBT Book Month

This June, the American Library Association is sponsoring GLBT Book Month, a way of bringing attention to writers and literature written by, for, and about the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community and experience. This celebration coincides with the national LGBT Pride Month, which is held in June to memorialize the Stonewall riots of 1969, the beginning of the modern gay liberation movement. The ALA’s focus is on very recent books, highlighting works published in the popular press in the last year. These include fiction and nonfiction, and works written for adults and for children of all ages. If you’re interested, we can obtain these books or others like them for you through interlibrary loan. As a college library our … Continued
What’s Happening in the Indiana University East Archives?

What’s Happening in the Indiana University East Archives?

The IU East Archives is busy these days with various projects related to the IU Bicentennial. The archives is working to not only expand and improve its collections, but help the IU East campus stand out as well. Here are some projects that the IU East Archives is currently working on. Applying for an Indiana State Historical Marker With the help of the Office of the Bicentennial in Bloomington, all of the IU campuses are applying for an Indiana State Historical Marker. This year, the IU East campus, along with South Bend and IUPUI, is applying for a marker and, if approved, will have a marker installed on campus in 2018. The marker application is granted and made by the … Continued
Indiana University Class of 2030 has arrived!

Indiana University Class of 2030 has arrived!

  Yes, you read correctly. Students currently in 3rd grade who stay on track through high school and attending IU East, will graduate college in 2030. IU East is again, for the 8th summer, hosting Third Grade Academy. This program helps students become stronger readers and prepares them for academic success. We are a program site for two classes meeting daily throughout June, with a total of 20 children.    In addition to enhancing their reading skills, TGA students interact with college students, faculty and staff for a variety of fun activities. This summer that includes quilting, knot-tying, drawing, Japanese calligraphy, poetry, pottery and more. They also get to tour campus, walk the nature trails, visit the nursing lab and … Continued
Roses are red, violets are blue, I can now poem, and I thank you

Roses are red, violets are blue, I can now poem, and I thank you

Over four days in April and May this year, the IU East Campus Library partnered with Community Christian Schools to write and perform original slam poetry pieces. This project was sparked by Jackie Schilicte, who brought in IU East librarian KT Lowe to lead the workshops. Twenty seven students participated in this program in honor of National Poetry Month, delivering poems on a number of different subjects, including death, owls, basketball, mysterious creatures in the woods and, of course, bacon. Students in fifth through eighth grades taught by Lori Fowler participated in the program. On the first class session, they were introduced to recited poetry by the likes of Internet poet Suli Breaks, actor Nick Offerman and children’s author Shel … Continued
One Stop Searching

One Stop Searching

Last week, we showed you the incredible new interlibrary loan system we’re rolling out. But that isn’t the only change we’re implementing this summer. Now, looking for any library resource will be a lot easier. We’re debuting the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) – a type of meta-search engine that looks through every library database at once. EBSCO is the maker of about a third of our databases, including ones you’ve probably used like Academic Search Premier, Business Source Complete, and CINAHL. The format and layout of the new EDS tool matches those databases, so if you’ve used one, you already know what you’re doing. And we’ve placed it prominently, so it’s easy to find. There’s a search box right on … Continued