

Black History and the Military

Black History and the Military

February is Black History Month, and a perfect opportunity to spotlight black excellence – great inventors, leaders, social reformers, entertainers, and freedom fighters.  Often, we view this last group through the lens of social activism – people who sought equality under the law.  But African Americans have been safeguarding physical freedom as long as this country has existed, from the opening shots of the American Revolution, and the vigilance of black soldiers should not be forgotten. During demonstrations against the British in Massachusetts in 1770, sailor Crispus Attucks, an unarmed protestor, became the first American martyr when he was shot down by British troops.  Four other Americans died in the shooting, which touched off the Revolutionary War.  His body lay … Continued
Get Ahead with IU East Campus Library: Top Resources and Events Await!

Get Ahead with IU East Campus Library: Top Resources and Events Await!

Hit the ‘Like’ button on the IU East Campus Library’s Facebook page and be sure to follow the new  IU East Campus Library Instagram page for up to date resources and events highlights! SAVE THE DATE! Mark your calendars! Join Assistant Librarian for Instruction and Outreach, KT Lowe, on February 5 at 12:30 PM in the library. Learn how to identify high-quality news resources and spot fake news in this informative session. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to enhance your research skills! As always, reach out to your IU East Campus Library team for assistance with all your research needs. Email us at In the meantime, here are some of our top picks for getting your research … Continued
Popeye Belongs to All of Us

Popeye Belongs to All of Us

On January 1st each year, Public Domain Day, new materials fall out of copyright and become free to use and adapt for anyone, without needing to clear rights or pay royalties.  These include audio recordings first copyrighted in 1924, and books, films, plays, musical compositions, artwork, and characters copyrighted in 1929.  In recent years, these have included the original iterations of Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse, who have featured in a plethora of new marketable for-profit works; most notoriously low-budget horror films. This year, books like William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury have now become free to use, adapt, and sell, as well as Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms, Agatha Christie’s ninth novel, The Seven Dials Mystery … Continued
The Christmas Eggnog Riot

The Christmas Eggnog Riot

In 1802, West Point Military Academy was founded, a pathetic joke of a military institution whose lax recruitment standards, negligible resources, and few teachers contributed little to the nation’s safety.  Then the War of 1812 happened, and losing the White House to the British convinced Congress that it would be prudent to train better officers and soldiers.  In 1817, Colonel Sylvanus Thayer was appointed as superintendent.  Thayer was a hero of the War of 1812 who had studied in France, and a man known for strict discipline in every sense of the word – both military and personal.  He quickly moved to change the character of the institution, and the character of the men who graduated. He created a stable four-year … Continued
The End (of the semester) is Nigh!

The End (of the semester) is Nigh!

As the end of the semester approaches, it’s the perfect time to gather all the research resources you need for your final projects and exams. The IU East Campus Library is here to support you with a wealth of materials, from academic journals and books to online databases and a quiet place to study. Make the most of these resources to ensure you’re well-prepared and ready to excel in your upcoming assessments. Discover the groundbreaking works of Europe’s early film pioneers, including Alice Guy-Blaché, the first female filmmaker, through the Victorians on Film database. This collection offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives of late Victorians and Edwardians. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, the United States was experiencing the Gilded Age—a … Continued